Releases: MegEngine/MegFlow
Releases · MegEngine/MegFlow
- Update
binary to Pythonconsole_scripts
- Support
- Support Bytes Server for user define input
- Support template config
What's Changed
- Add web client (flv.js inside) tutorial to show video result
- Fix readthedocs link error
- Add en README
- Add
- Add Dockerfile.github-release to build py3.6~py3.9 .whl
New Contributors
- @chentyjpm made their first contribution in #38
Full Changelog: v0.1.0-beta2...v0.1.0-beta3
- 完成 ARM jetson nano/ 鲲鹏 上的自测
- 增加 pipeline 级测试功能
- tutorial 增加串联建图、动态 batching
- 初步增加 debugger 工具,可以基于 Web UI 完成图优化
- 优化内部动态图创建、销毁过程
- 优化打包脚本和 CI
- 修复 python examples 一些 API 使用错误
What's Changed
- fix(memd): fix inference call by @tpoisonooo in #22
- ci(action): add pylint and doc link check by @tpoisonooo in #19
- docs(build): remove cargo after build success by @tpoisonooo in #23
- Tutorial02 by @tpoisonooo in #24
- docs(examples): update cat_finder video usage by @tpoisonooo in #25
- Support arm by @tpoisonooo in #28
- feat(project): release 0.1.0beta2 by @tpoisonooo in #30
Full Changelog: v0.1.0-beta1...v0.1.0-beta2
- docker 增加 tuna 源。源码/docker build 受网络影响仍然比较严重,增加 prebuilt release
- 增加 tutorial01 把分类模型搭建成服务
- 修改了超多文档,CI 中增加 pylint 和 doc link check
What's Changed
- docs(build): add Dockerfile and prebuilt doc by @tpoisonooo in #3
- Python whl add wrapper by @tpoisonooo in #4
- docs(project): revert prebuilt whl; support macos by @tpoisonooo in #5
- docs(Python): rewrite whl pack script by @tpoisonooo in #6
- ci(build): action add macos by @tpoisonooo in #7
- [DOCs] Fix link typo in README of electric_bicycle by @ysh329 in #8
- Add logo by @tpoisonooo in #9
- Update deal with
Command 'cargo' not found
by @kalcohol in #10 - Update by @Easonzero in #11
- Add tutorial 01 by @tpoisonooo in #12
- docs(build): add build on win10 by @tpoisonooo in #13
- Update doc by @tpoisonooo in #14
- ci(docker): add tuna source by @tpoisonooo in #18
- fix(build): add docker config by @tpoisonooo in #20
- docs(project): add prebuilt .whl by @tpoisonooo in #21
New Contributors
- @ysh329 made their first contribution in #8
- @kalcohol made their first contribution in #10
- @Easonzero made their first contribution in #11
Full Changelog: v0.1.0-beta0...v0.1.0-beta1
release beta
系统 | 支持情况 |
Windows 10 WSL ubuntu18.04 | ✔️ |
x86 Ubuntu16.04 有 GPU | ✔️ |
x86 Ubuntu18.04 无 GPU | ✔️ |
x86 macos | ✔️ |
Python 版本 | 支持情况 |
3.6 | ✔️ |
3.7 | ✔️ |
3.8 | ✔️ |
Rust 新增
- toml 建图
- 进程内子图共享、异常处理
- 计算图性能统计接口
- Image/Video Server
- Python 共存
Python 新增
- 3 个 Examples
- logical_test
- cat_finder
- 1 个 github action、ubuntu 环境 Dockerfile
- py3.6/3.7/3.8 版本 prebuilt 脚本
New Contributors
Full Changelog: