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MegEngine Documents


  • Install sphinx>=2.0 and related dependencies by:

    pip3 install -U sphinx sphinx-autodoc-typehints sphinx-serve sphinx-intl sphinxcontrib-jupyter nbsphinx jieba polib
    pip3 install git+
  • reStructuredText (RST) is used for document writing. HTML files can be generated from the RST files for document visualization.

    For more information about RST, please visit

  • Install doxygen and exhale for C++ doc building

    Make sure you have installed necessary build tools (i.e. g++, python, cmake, flex, bison)

    Install doxygen:

    git clone
    cd doxygen
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ..
    make install

    Install exhale:

    pip install exhale

Generate document

  1. Make sure you have installed MegEngine.

    pip3 install megengine -f
  2. Make sure you have cloned MegBrain

    git clone
  3. Run gen_docs/ to generate HTML files of api. The script accepts the MegEngine source root path and MegEngine python path as the argument.


    Note that the html files generated from python docstring are put under build_api/html/.

  4. Run gen_docs/ to generate HTML files of doc.

    set api_url in source/ or setup API_DOC_URL by export API_DOC_URL=$url_of_api


    Note that the html files of doc are put under build_doc/html/.

  5. Run gen_docs/ to build global search for doc and api.

  6. Start local sphinx service of api by:

    sphinx-serve -b build_api -p 8000
  7. Start local sphinx service of doc by:

    sphinx-serve -b build_doc -p 7000
  • Note that the doc and api can also be generated by gen_docs/ It will build doc, api, and global search index together.

    sphinx-serve -b build -p 8000
  • Note: basically open sourced MegEngine source code and python library should be used. There are always some risks about releasing internal code when internal MegBrain is specified here.

API Translation

Once is executed, translation to Chinese is needed for us.


This will update the source_api/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/zh/api/megengine.*.po files.

Finally, run again to update zh html pages.

In order to help with the translation procedure, run following command to see the progress:

python3 utils/ /data/docs/source_api/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/zh/api/

Write python API document

  • How documents are generated for python codes

    1. Write comments following docstring rules.
    2. Run sphinx tool to generate RST files from python docstring.
    3. Generate HTML files from RST.

    Refer to gen_docs/ for more details.

  • Example python docstring: see gen_docs/example/

Run doctest in API document

API docstring also contains examples written by doctest. Run the tests by

sphinx-build -b doctest source_api build_api/doctest

sphinx-build -b doctest source build_doc/doctest

If all tests are passed, you shall see the following similar printouts:

Doctest summary
   16 tests
    0 failures in tests
    0 failures in setup code
    0 failures in cleanup code
build succeeded.

Otherwise, please fix any failed test or warning.

Insert C++ doc hyperlink

  1. For class referencing:

find the class rst file and copy its name and replace the doc with

:ref:`exhale_class_<filename without .rst>`
  1. For file referencing:

find the file and copy its name and replace the doc with


Process of generate document

" process"