For each image detection, the signed-in user's score is increased by one, and this score is maintained in the database.
Demo video here :Linkedin Post- React Frontend
- Node.js Backend with Express
- PostgreSQL Database
- User Authentication with Secure Password Storage using Bcrypt
The React frontend is built using Create React App, and the Node.js backend is built using Express. The application uses bcrypt to hash user passwords before storing them in the database.
To implement the image detection functionality, the application uses the Clarifai API. The Clarifai API provides a powerful machine learning model that can identify objects in images with a high degree of accuracy.
To keep track of signed-in users and their scores, the application uses a PostgreSQL database. The database stores user information such as username, email address, and password, as well as the user's score.
For each image detection, the signed-in user's score is increased by one, and this score is maintained in the database.