- Index
- Timestamp
- Data
- Quantum Key
- hash (lattice-based)
- Simulate BBM92 quantum key distribution protocol
- Creation of two quantum circuits named Alice and Bob
- Apply Hadamard gate on Alice's qubit, measure it, and share the circuit state with Bob
- Simulate circuits, compare results, and establish a secure key
- Take index, previous_hash, timestamp, data, quantum_key as input
- Calculate hash using lattice-based hash function
- lattice-based hash function employs SHAKE-256 algorithm and large prime modulus for message digest and producing lattice-based hash using previous_hash
- Mayank Raj
- Susan Shilbi
- Shreyash Kumar S
- Shaswat Kaushik
- Vaidik Chhirolya
- We are implemting Double-Spending Attack on a simple blockchaina nd our proposed quantum blockchain and comparing the complexity of both the codes by looking at he outputs.
- The output clearly showcases that the more complex nature of the quantum blockcahin makes it harder for such an attack to be successful.
- This ensures the future safety of blockchain applications from the more sophisticated and fast Quantum Computers by utilizing quantum safe algorithms.
- Testing Simple blockchain:
- Testing Quantum blockchain:
The links provided below would help you understand the concepts and solutions in a much more proper way.
- Basic General Idea : https://youtu.be/hlOw1xysR04
- Deeper Discussions: https://youtu.be/qKdhKEkkuf0
- Codes and Proposed structures: https://youtu.be/qKdhKEkkuf0