Multicultural Music This is a website based on a summit called "Multicultural Music Global Summit".This is a capstone project from Microverse Module one and all contents and name of brand were created by me.
- JavaScript
To use this repository you will need to Clone this repository to your machine. A .gitignore file is already created to ignore any file that is irrelevant, especially your node.js file. A linter is already set up to help you check for errors in your codes
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
Tap on the code option in the repo, then you copy the link to the repo provided
Open your git bash or your IDE terminal then use the git command to clone it to your machine
To set up linters type npm i in git bash or IDE terminal The folder will then be installed in your machine.
You can edit codes and make changes, don't forget to give credits to me
Linters are already setup in the repo for error checks
👤 Orji Maxwell
- GitHub: @Maxwell011
- Twitter: @Maxwell011
- LinkedIn: @Maxwell011
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome !
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
Codes written by me. Designed Cindy Shin the author of the original Design