Returns what characters are produced by pressing keys with different modifiers on the current system keyboard layout.
- On Debian-based Linux:
sudo apt-get install libx11-dev libxkbfile-dev
- On Red Hat-based Linux:
sudo yum install libx11-devel.x86_64 libxkbfile-devel.x86_64 # or .i686
- On FreeBSD:
sudo pkg install libX11
npm install native-keymap
var keymap = require('native-keymap');
Example output when using standard US keyboard layout (on Windows):
Space: { vkey: 'VK_SPACE', value: ' ', withShift: ' ', withAltGr: '', withShiftAltGr: '' },
Minus: { vkey: 'VK_OEM_MINUS', value: '-', withShift: '_', withAltGr: '', withShiftAltGr: '' },
Equal: { vkey: 'VK_OEM_PLUS', value: '=', withShift: '+', withAltGr: '', withShiftAltGr: '' },
BracketLeft: { vkey: 'VK_OEM_4', value: '[', withShift: '{', withAltGr: '', withShiftAltGr: '' },
BracketRight: { vkey: 'VK_OEM_6', value: ']', withShift: '}', withAltGr: '', withShiftAltGr: '' },
Backslash: { vkey: 'VK_OEM_5', value: '\\', withShift: '|', withAltGr: '', withShiftAltGr: '' },
Semicolon: { vkey: 'VK_OEM_1', value: ';', withShift: ':', withAltGr: '', withShiftAltGr: '' },
Quote: { vkey: 'VK_OEM_7', value: '\'', withShift: '"', withAltGr: '', withShiftAltGr: '' },
Backquote: { vkey: 'VK_OEM_3', value: '`', withShift: '~', withAltGr: '', withShiftAltGr: '' },
Comma: { vkey: 'VK_OEM_COMMA', value: ',', withShift: '<', withAltGr: '', withShiftAltGr: '' },
Period: { vkey: 'VK_OEM_PERIOD', value: '.', withShift: '>', withAltGr: '', withShiftAltGr: '' },
Slash: { vkey: 'VK_OEM_2', value: '/', withShift: '?', withAltGr: '', withShiftAltGr: '' },
Example output when using German (Swiss) keyboard layout (on Windows):
Space: { vkey: 'VK_SPACE', value: ' ', withShift: ' ', withAltGr: '', withShiftAltGr: '' },
Minus: { vkey: 'VK_OEM_4', value: '\'', withShift: '?', withAltGr: '´', withShiftAltGr: '' },
Equal: { vkey: 'VK_OEM_6', value: '^', withShift: '`', withAltGr: '~', withShiftAltGr: '' },
BracketLeft: { vkey: 'VK_OEM_1', value: 'ü', withShift: 'è', withAltGr: '[', withShiftAltGr: '' },
BracketRight: { vkey: 'VK_OEM_3', value: '¨', withShift: '!', withAltGr: ']', withShiftAltGr: '' },
Backslash: { vkey: 'VK_OEM_8', value: '$', withShift: '£', withAltGr: '}', withShiftAltGr: '' },
Semicolon: { vkey: 'VK_OEM_7', value: 'ö', withShift: 'é', withAltGr: '', withShiftAltGr: '' },
Quote: { vkey: 'VK_OEM_5', value: 'ä', withShift: 'à', withAltGr: '{', withShiftAltGr: '' },
Backquote: { vkey: 'VK_OEM_2', value: '§', withShift: '°', withAltGr: '', withShiftAltGr: '' },
Comma: { vkey: 'VK_OEM_COMMA', value: ',', withShift: ';', withAltGr: '', withShiftAltGr: '' },
Period: { vkey: 'VK_OEM_PERIOD', value: '.', withShift: ':', withAltGr: '', withShiftAltGr: '' },
Slash: { vkey: 'VK_OEM_MINUS', value: '-', withShift: '_', withAltGr: '', withShiftAltGr: '' },
- linux (X11)
- windows
- mac
- freebsd
- only tested from the Electron Main process
npm install -g node-gyp
node-gyp configure
(for debugging usenode-gyp configure -d
)node-gyp build
npm test
(for debugging changeindex.js
to load the node module from theDebug
folder and pressF5