Python3 MQTT client that listens for commands to control your WS2801 RGB ledstripe (aka Neopixel) if they are connected directly to your Rasberry PI SPI bus. You can light up individual LEDs, color the whole stripe, or playback effects and 1D animations. Allows easy integration with home assistant and other smarthome solutions.
We use python3 virtualenv
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip virtualenvwrapper
mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 leds2mqtt
workon leds2mqtt
pip install adafruit-ws2801 RPi.GPIO paho-mqtt
- only 1D -> stripes
- only RGB stripes with single aderssable pixels
- platform: mqtt
name: "Leuchtstreifen"
state_topic: "ledstripe/status"
command_topic: "ledstripe/set"
brightness_command_topic: "ledstripe/brightness/set"
brightness_scale: 100
rgb_state_topic: "ledstripe/rgb/status"
rgb_command_topic: "ledstripe/rgb/set"
- blink
- flash
- dummy
effect_command_topic: "ledstripe/effect/set"
effect_state_topic: "ledstripe/effect/status"
optimistic: false
Similar projects
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- ESP-MQTT-JSON-Digital-LEDs 2017 C, similar idea for ESP8266 boards