It's a React Native android app for Mems viewing and voting. I made this project to practise few technologies:
- React Native
- Typescript
- communication with datoCMS using Apollo library for graphQl api
- modern React including React memo funcionality to minimaze quantity of renders
- modern hooks including useMemo, useState, useEffect
- redux Toolkit with modern hooks including useDispatch, useSelector
- simulating team work on Github - task branches with pull requests on Develop branch
- atomic design
Project was created on Expo configuration. Debugging: Android studio phones emulators/expo app on phisical phone and React Native Debuger set on port 19000
- "git clone"
- "npm install"
- "expo start --android" - run the project on android emulator or phisical phone
- Android emulator: you need to install Android Studio and turn on phone Emulator
- Phisical phone: you need to install expo app and scan QR code to run the application
- In case of lack of the key for datoCMS you will see the information about anavailable database
After finishing this orders you can display app on your device
Used technologies:
- React Native and React with modern hooks including useState, useEffect, useMemo
- Typescript
- Redux Toolkit using slices with hooks and asyn communication - as a state management
- React Navigation - for routing
- Apollo - for communication with graphQl api
- React-native-dotenv with custom babel configuration for storing keys
Implemented solutions
- Routes /hot, /regular, /home
- Live filtering for mems (upvote - downvote > 5 ): HOT (upvote - downvote >= 5) REGULAR (upvote - downvote < 5) FAVOURITE - fav icon signed
- Simple menu for switching between sections
- Upvotes and downvotes stored in Redux toolkit store
- List of Mem components in flatList view - with scroll funcionality
- React Navigation funcionality
- React memo funcionality for all Mem components to minimaze numbers of render
Project is diveded on a few categories
- .expo, .expo-shared - all initial expo configuration files
- components - atomic design of folder structere - smaller parts of code that build all the screen components
- sclices - redux toolkit slices
- screen - all views that you can switch in navigation component
- store - redux toolkit store
- App.tsx - root file
- templates - components which are the template for all components in app
- configuration files: babel.config.js, config.ts, end.d.ts, tsconfig.json etc.
- helpers - all helper functions
- memCMS - functions for communication with datoCMS using Apollo
Project was prepared based on expo configuration
Unit tests in progress...
Project has implemented static code formaters
- Mateusz Grzejszczyk - Initial work -