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Work done in Stuyvesant's Systems Level Programming Course with Mr. JonAlf Dyrland-Weaver from 2019-2020 (Fall Semester)

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Notes for Systems Level Programming Class

Monday, January 6, 2020

Beej's Guide


  • a piece of memory that your program is going to use to transfer data
  • unlike a pipe it will need a lot more information on the operating system
  • there are 3 things associated with a socket that makes it unique
    1. Protocol (2)
      • 2 main protocols you will deal with
        1. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or just Stream Protocol
          • if you send data to another machine using TCP
            • either the data will be sent in entirety in the order you sent
            • or you will get an error
          • 2 packets might take different paths to the same place
          • if packets dont get there, they can ask to send the packet again
        2. User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
          • not verified (no handshake)
          • maybe someone listening, maybe not
          • just sends data out
          • does not worry about rearranging packets (not in order)
          • WONT request packets missing
          • much faster
          • used all the time for streaming media and games
    2. Port (65,536)
      • that is what allows you to have multiple sockets associated with the same IP Address
      • ex: every different web browser tab is a socket with different ports
      • some are designated for specific usage
        • port 80 is for web traffic
    3. Incoming/Outgoing Addresses (I.P. Addresses)
      • externally provided
      • generally each computer has just 1

Monday, January 6, 2020

Networking Hurdles to Overcome:

  • Operating System
  • Endian-ness (Integer size)
  • Somehow connected

OSI 7 Layer Model

7)Application - most abstract


1)Physical Hardware - most concrete

Friday, January 3, 2020

Server/Client Design Patterns

-1) Peer-To-Program (not exactly Server/Client)

  • C_0 <---> C_1
  • Direct connection between clients
  • Good for well-structured interactions
  1. Single Server
    • 1 server
      • Handles all connections
      • Handles all communication
  2. Forking Server
    • 1 main server
      • Handles all connections
      • Creates subservers to handle all communication
  3. Dispatch Server
    • 1 main server
      • Handles all connections
      • Handles all incoming data
      • Subservers handle all outgoing data
      • Main server routes data to subservers

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

How do we flag down a resource?

  • Semaphore operations
    • Create a semaphore
    • Set an initial value
    • Remove a semaphore
    • Up(S) / V(S) - atomic
      • Release the semaphore to signal you are done with its associates resource
      • Pseudocode
        • S++
    • Down(S) / P(S) - atomic
      • Attempt to take the semaphore
      • If the semaphore is 0, wait for it to be available
      • Pseudocode
        • while (S == 0) { block } S--;

Monday, December 16, 2019

Sharing is caring

  • Shared Memory
    • <sys/shm.h>, <sys/ipc.h>, <sys/types.h>
    • A segment of heap memory that can be accessed by multiple processes
    • Shared memory is accessed via a key that is known by any process that needs to access it
    • Shared memory does not get released when a program exits
    • 5 Shared memory operations
      • Create the segment (happens once) - shmget
      • Access the segment (happens once per process) - shmget
      • Attach the segment to a variable (once per process) - shmat
      • Detach the segment from a variable (once per process) - shmdt
      • Remove the segment (happens once) - shmctl

Friday, December 13, 2019

int main() {
	int fd;
	char line[100];
	mkfifo("mario", 0640);
	fd = open("mario", O_RDONLY);
	printf("fifo open!\n");
	while(read(fd, line, sizeof(line)))
		printf("read: [%s]\n", line);

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

What the fork?

  • Managing Sub-Processes
    • fork() - <unistd.h>
      • Creates a separate process based on the current one, the new process is called a child, the original is the parent
      • The child process is a duplicate of the parent process
      • All parts of the parent process are copied, including stack and heap memory, and the file table
      • Returns 0 to the child and the child's pid, or -1 (errno), to the parent

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Executive Decisions (Cont.)

  • strsep - <string.h>
    • Parse a string with a common delimiter

        strsep( source, delimiters)
      • Locates the first occurence of any of the specified delimiters in a string and replaces it with NULL
      • delimiters is a string, each character is interpreted as a distinct delimiter
      • Returns the beginning of the original string, sets source to the string starting at 1 index past the location of the new NULL
    • Example:

char line[100] = "woah-this-is-cool";
char *curr = line;
char * token;
token = strsep(&curr, "-");
  • replaces the - after woah with NULL
  • returns a pointer to the w in woah
  • sets curr to point to the t in this is cool

Monday, November 25, 2019

Executive Decisions

  • the exec family - <unistd.h>
    • A group of c functions that can be used to run other programs

    • Replaces the current process with the new program

    • execl

        execl(path, command, arg0, arg1, ... NULL)
      • path
        • The path to the program (ex "/bin/ls")
      • command
        • The name of the program (ex: "ls")
      • arg0 ...
        • Each command line argument you wish to give the program (ex: "-a", "-l")
        • The last argument must be NULL
    • execlp

        execlp(path, command, arg0, arg1, ... NULL)
      • Works like excel,except it uses $PATH environment variable for command
    • execvp

        execvp(path, argument_array)
      • argument_array
        • Array of strings containing the arguments to the command
        • argument_array[0] must be the name of the program
        • Last entry must be NULL
    • strsep - <string.h>

      • Parse a string with a common delimiter

Friday, November 22, 2019

static void sighandler() {
	if (signo == SIGINT) {
		printf("haha! Can't touch this!\n");
	if (signo == SIGSEGV) {
		printf("nothing too see here..\n");

int main() [
	signal(SIGINT, sighandler);
	signal(SIGSEGV, sighandler);

Sending Mixed Signals (Cont.)

  • Signal handling in c program <signal.h>
    • sighandler
      • To intercept signals in a c program you must create a signal handling function
      • Some signals (like SIGKILL, SIGSTOP) cannot be caught
      • static void sighandler(int signo)
        • Must be static
        • Must be void
        • Must take a single int parameter

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Sending Mixed Signals

  • Signals
    • Limited way of sending information to a process
    • Sends an integer value to a process
    • $ kill
      • Command line utility to send a signal to a process
      • $ kill pid
        • Sends signal 15 (SIGTERM) to pid
      • $ kill -signal pid
        • Sends signal to pid
    • $ killall [-signal] process_name Note: killing one of the init processes shuts down your computer
  • Signals in c programs <signal.h>
    • kill
      • kill(pid, signal)
      • Can use to catch and change behavior when signals recieved

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Are your processes runing? - Then go out and catch them!

  • Processes
    • Every running program is a process
    • A process can create subprocesses, but these are no different from regular processes
    • A processor can handle 1 process per cycle (per core)
    • "Multitasking" appears to happen because the processor switches between all the active processes quickly

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

You want Input? fget(s) about it! (Cont.)

  • sscanf - <stdio.h>
    • Reads in data from a string using a format string to determine types
    • sscanf(char *s, char * format, void * var0, void * var1, ...)
    • Copies the data into each variable
    • Example usage:
int x; float f; double d;
sscanf(s, "%d %f %lf", &x, &f, &d);

Monday, November 18, 2019

You want Input? fget(s) about it!

  • Command Line Arguments:

    • int main (int argc, char * argv[])
    • Program name is considered the first command line argument
    • argc
      • number of command line arguments
    • argv (argument vector)
      • array of command line arguments as strings
  • fgets - <stdio.h>

    • Read in data from a file stream and store it in a string.
    • fgets( char * s, int n, FILE * f);
      • Reads at most n - 1 characters from file stream f and stores it in s, appends NULL to the end.
    • Stops at newline, end of file, or the byte limit.
    • File stream
      • File * type, more complex than a file descriptor, allows for buffered input.
      • stdin is a FILE * variable
    • Example:
      • fgets(s, 100, stdin)

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Where do compsci clergy keep their files? - In d'rectory!

All directories are 4096 bytes and are executable.


  • A linux directory is a file containing the names of the files within the directory along with basic information, like file type.
  • Linux will increase the directory size if needed.

opendir - <dirent.h>

  • open a directory file
  • This will not change the current working directory (cwd), it only allows your program to read the contents of the directory file
  • opendir(path)
    • Returns a pointer to a directory stream (DIR *)

readdir - <dirent.h>

  • readdir(dir_stream)
    • Returns a pointer to the next entry in a directory steam, or NULL if all entries have alreadty been returned. -struct dirent - <sys/types.h>

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Seek and ye shall find (cont.)

  • stat - <sys/stat.h>
    • Get information about a file (metadata)

        stat(path, stat_buffer)
    • stat_buffer

      • Must be a pointer to a struct stat
      • All the file information gets put into the stat buffer
      • Some of the fields in struct stat:
        • st_size
          • file size in bytes
        • st_uid, st_gid
          • user id, group id
        • st_mode
          • file permissions
        • st_atime, st_mtime
          • last access, last modification
          • these are time_t variables, we can use functions in time.h to make sense of them
            • ctime(time)

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Seek and ye shall find

  • lseek - <unistd.h>
    • Set the current position in an open file

        lseek(file_descriptor, offset, whence)
    • offset

      • Number of bytes to move the position by, can be negative (has to be int)
    • whence

      • Where to measure the offset from
      • SEEK_SET
        • offset is evaluated from the beginning of the file
      • SEEK_CUR
        • offset is relative to the current position in the file
      • SEEK_END -offset is evaluated from the end of the file
    • Returns the number of bytes the current position is from the beginning of the file , or -1 and sets errno

Friday, November 8, 2019

Read your writes!

  printf("O_RDONLY: \t%d\n", O_RDONLY); // 0
  printf("O_WRONLY: \t%d\n", O_WRONLY); // 1
  printf("O_RDWR:   \t%d\n", O_RDWR);   // 2
  printf("O_CREAT:  \t%d\n", O_CREAT);  // 64
  printf("O_EXCL:   \t%d\n", O_EXCL);   // 128 if a file exists and you want to create it, will return an error 
  printf("O_TRUNC:  \t%d\n", O_TRUNC);  // 512 starts at beginning of file 
  printf("O_APPEND: \t%d\n", O_APPEND); // 1024 starts at end of file
  // each constant in decimal is a 1 with a bunch of 0s after
  // bitwise or (|) will combine them 

If you do not set the mode argument when creaing a file, you will get random permissions.

  • umask - <sys/stat.h>

    • set the file creation permission mask
    • By default, created files are not given the exact permissions provided in the mode argument to open. Some permissions are automatically shut off
      -  mask:         000 000 010 (write for others is shut off)
      - ~mask:         111 111 101 (bit wise negation)
      -  mode:         110 110 110 
      - ~mask & mode : 110 110 101 (bit wise negation of mask, bitwise and mode) 
    - the default linux mask is 002
    - umask(0) //no mask
  • read - <unistd.h>

    • read data from a file
    • read(fd, buff, n)
      • read n bytes from fd's file into buffer
      • returns the number of bytes actually read. Returns -1 and sets errno if unsuccessful.
      • buff must be a pointer
  char buff[100];
  int fd = open("foo", 0_RDONLY);
  read(fd, buff, sizeof(buff));
  • write - <unistd.h>

    • write data to a file
    • write(fd, buff, n)
      • write n bytes to fd's file from buffer
      • returns the number of bytes actually written. Returns -1 and sets errno if unsuccessful.
      • buff must be a pointer
  • close

    • closes file
    • returns -1 and sets errno if unsuccessful.
    • close(fd)

Thursday, November 7, 2019

  • File Table (cont.)
    • Contains where you are in a file
    • Flushing buffers? (smth w/ newlines)
    • ex:
FD Name Path Size ...
0 stdin
1 stdout
2 stderr
3 goo
4 boo

open - <fcntl.h>

  • Add a file to the file table and returns its file descriptor
  • If open fails, -1 is returned, extra error information can be found in errno
    • errno is an int variable that can be found in <errno.h>
    • Use strerror in (string.h) on errno to return a string description of the error
  • How to use errno example:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>

int main() {
	int fd;
	fd = open("tobe", O_RDONLY);
	if ( fd < 0) {
		printf("errno: %d error: %s\n", errno, strerror(errno) );
		return 0;
	printf("fd: %d\n", fd);
	printf("errno: %d error: %s\n", 6, strerror(6) );
	return 0;
  • open( path, flags, mode)
    • mode
      • Only used when creating a file
      • Set the new file's permissions using a 3 digit octal number
    • flags
      • Determine what you plan to do with the rile, use the following constants and combine with |:
        • O_RDONLY
        • O_WRONLY
        • O_RDWR
        • O_APPEND
        • O_TRUNC
        • O_CREAT
        • O_EXCL: when combined with O_CREAT, will return an error if the file exists

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

File Permissions

  • File Permissions

    • 3 types of permissions

      • read, write, execute
    • Permissions can be represented as 3-digit binary numbers, or 1-digit octal numbers

      • 100 <==> 4 => read only
      • 111 <==> 7 => read, write, execute
    • There are 3 permission "areas"

      • user, group, others
        • Membership in each "area" is mutually exclusive
        • The creator of the file is the default setting for the user and group of a file
    • chmod permissions file

      • Command line utility to change file permissions
      • The owner of a file (or root) can always change permissions
      • File ownership and group can be changed with the chown and chgrp command line utilities
  • File Table

    • A list of all files being used by a program while it is running
    • Contains basic information like the file's location and size
    • The file table has limited space, which is a power of 2 and commonly 256
    • getdtablesize() will return the file table size
    • Each file is given an integer index, starting at 0, this is the file descriptor
    • There are 3 files always open in the table:
      • 0 or STDIN_FILENO: stdin
      • 1 or STDOUT_ FILENO: stdout
      • 2 or STDERR_FILENO: stderr

Monday, November 4, 2019

Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal Integers

  • Other base formatting characters for printf:
    • %o: octal integer
    • %x: hexadecimal integer
  • You can define native integers in bases 2, 8, and 16 by using the following prefixes
    • 0b: binary
    • 0: octal
    • 0x: hexadecimal

Note: Why do programmers always mix up Holloweeen and Christmas? ... Because 31 Oct is the same as 25 Dec :P

Bitwise Operators

  • Evaluated on every bit of a value
  • ~x
    • Negation
    • Flip every bit of x
  • a | b
    • Bitwise or
    • Perform logical or for each pair of bits in (a, b)
  • a & b
    • Bitwise and
    • Perform logical and for each pair of bits in (a, b)
  • a ^ b
    • Bitwise xor
    • Perform logical xor for each pair of bits in (a, b)
char i = 13
i: 00001101

!i: 0 
~i: 11110010

char x = 8;
x: 00001000
~i | x : 11111010
~i & x : 00000000

// swapping a and b
a = a ^ b // a contains bits not in common
b = a ^ b // b now contains a 
a = b ^ a // a now contains b 

// swapping cont.
r = a ^ b 
b = r ^ b => a ^ b ^ b = 0 ^ a 
a = r ^ b => a ^ b ^ a = 0 ^ b
  • Swapping Bits Using Only Bitwise Operators
a b a = a ^ b b = a ^ b a = b ^ a

Monday, October 28, 2019


ifeq ($(DEBUG), true)
	CC = gcc -g
	CC = gcc

all: main.o definitions.o
	$(CC) -o program main.o definitions.o

main.o: main.c headers.h
	$(CC) -c main.c

definitions.o: definitions.c headers.h
	$(CC) -c definitions.c


	valgrind --leak-check=yes ./program

	rm *.o
	rm program
  • can now run this command to make with -g flags in order to debug:

      $ make DEBUG=true
  • convention to use all caps variables in makefile

  • $(<variable>) is how you use variables in make

  • can now easily run valgrind using:

      $ make memcheck

Thursday, October 24, 2019

GDB - GNU DeBugger

  • to use gdb, you must compile using the -g flag with gcc

  • basic usage:

      $ gdb program
    • starts a gdb shell from which you can run your program
  • Commands from in the gdb shell

    • run: runs the program until it ends/crashes/gets a signal
    • list: shows the lines of code run around a crash
    • print var: prints the value of of var at the time
    • backtrace: shows the current stack
    • break lineNum: creates breakpoint at a line
  • Running a program in pieces

    • run: restarts the program
    • continue: run the program until the next breakpoint/crash/end
    • next: run the next line of the program only
    • step: run the next line of the program, if that is a function call, run only the next line of that function


  • tool for debugging memory issues in C programs

  • you must compile with -g in order to use valgring (and similar tools)

  • basic usage:

      $ valgrind --leak-check=yes ./program

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Dynamic Memory Allocation (cont.)

calloc(size_t n, size_t x)
  • allocates n * x bytes of memory
  • ensures every bit is 0
realloc(void *p, size_t x)
  • changes the amount of memory allocated for a block to x bytes
  • p must point to the beginning of a block
  • returns a pointer to the beginning of the block (this is not always the same as p)
  • if x is smaller than the original size of the allocation, the extra bytes will be released
  • if x is larger than the original size then either:
    1. if there is enough space at the end of the original allocation, the original allocation will be updated
    2. if there is not enough space, a new allocation will be created, containing all the original values; the original allocation will be freed

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Dynamic Memory Allocation

malloc(size_t x)
  • allocates x bytes of heap memory

  • returns the address at the beginning of the allocation

  • returns a void *

  • can be used like an array:

      int *p;
      p = malloc(5 * sizeOf(int));
free(void * p)
  • releases dynamically allocated memory
  • has one parameter, a pointer to the beginning of a dynamically allocated block of memory
    • cannot free a portion, only the entire thing
  • every call to malloc/calloc should have a corresponding call to free
calloc(size_t n, size_t x)
  • allocates n * x bytes of memory
  • ensures every bit is 0

Monday, October 21, 2019

Stack Memory

  • as a data structure
    • first in, last out
    • terminology: push, pop
  • associated with function calls
  • stores all normally declared variables (including pointers and structs), arrays, and function calls
  • functions are pushed onto the stack in the order they are called, and popped off when completed
  • when a function is popped off the stack, the staclk memory associated with it is released
  • only one stack

Heap Memory

  • stores dynamically allocated memory
    • allocated at runtime
  • data will remain in the eap until it is manually released (or the program terminates)
    • hence no garbage collector like in Java

Friday, October 18, 2019

struct login u = new_account(4190);

Order of operations when run:

  1. allocates memory necessary for u
  2. runs new_account(4190)
  3. copies the values of the returned struct into space allocated for u
  4. returned struct goes away and u persists because it is in the main() function

Using struct as a parameter vs. pointer:

  • copies argument into parameter variable
  • edits the copy
  • only in scope of the function

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

struct - creates a new type that is a collection of values

struct {int a; char x;} s;
  • (kind of like objects, but not advised to think of it this way)

  • in this example, s is a variable of type struct {int a; char x;}

  • we use the . operator to access values inside a struct

      s.a = 10;
      s.x = '@';
  • size of struct may not necessarily equal the sum of sizes of the values, might be a little more

  • "anonymous" struct, no name

struct foo {int a; char x;};
struct foo {
	int a;
	char x;
  • foo is a prototype for the struct

      struct foo s;
  • gcc will appropriately copy values between same non-anonymous structs

  • common practice (in standard C libraries) to not typedef a struct because it hides stuff

  • normally don't declare structs in main, typically outside all functions

  • can also declare structs in header files

  • . binds before *

  • to access data from a struct pointer you would do:

struct foo *p;
p = &s;
p->x; //c shorthand for (*p).x

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Mr.Zamansky and Hunter Daedalus Program Talk

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Google Mentorship Talk

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


  • used to make executable

  • works for not only C

  • Java Compiler and JVM do stuff for you, so it doesn't give you executables (gives machine code instead)

  • good practices

    • separate compilations steps for each *.c file
    • run
    • clean
  • only recompiles modified files

  • dependencies should only be one *.c file and other header *.h files

  • example makefile:

      all: main.o definitions.o
      	gcc -o program main.o definitions.o
      main.o: main.c headers.h
      	gcc -c main.c
      definitions.o: definitions.c
      	gcc -c definitions.c
      	rm *.o
  • make will stop at first error

In char *strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t n); what is the type size_t?

typedef - provides a new name for an existing data type


typedef real_type new_name;


typedef unsigned long size_t;
size_t x = 139; //x is really an unsigned long


  • allows code to work on different machines (known as portability)
  • defines appropriately for every machine
  • technically: can typedef a typedef

Friday, October 4, 2019


  • variable type for storing memory addresses
    • unsigned integer type
  • 8 bytes large

Pointers in Functions

  • when used as parameter
    • pass by value
      • address copied into the parameter and points to the same thing
    • argument remains unchanged
    • parameter's memory allocated in space allocated for the associated function

Primitive Types

Types Size
char 1 byte
int 4 bytes
short 2 bytes
long 8 bytes
float 4 bytes
double 8 bytes


  • Instructions go in (in bits)
  • Stuff happens in the middle
  • Out comes the result
  • 2GHz = 2 billion input/output cycles per second
    • Gets hot because electrical signals all go through the same pathway
  • Reads bits instruction, all 64-bits at once
    • Cannot break up memory addresses
    • This is why a memory address can only be 8 bytes at most (8 * 8 = 64)

Thursday, October 3, 2019


.java --> .class --> JVM --> OS --> Hardware


.c --> Executable --> OS --> Hardware

Protected Memory

  • OS allocates memory for programs and keeps track
  • Programs cannot access memory outside of their allocation
    • If the program tries to --> Segmentation Fault


Work done in Stuyvesant's Systems Level Programming Course with Mr. JonAlf Dyrland-Weaver from 2019-2020 (Fall Semester)




