🔭 I’m currently working on ArmOS
🌱 I’m currently learning osdev, x86
💬 Ask me about x86, osdev, c, c++, golang, python
📫 How to reach me matt146@protonmail.com
Python, C, C++, Go, x86 Assembly, Java, HTML
CSS, SQL, Vex V5 C++, ROBOTC, Flask, SDL2
Git, Gitlab, Github, Jira, Heroku, AWS
Vim, VS Code, Sublime Text
I'm a student at UCLA and have been programming for about 6 years now. I've done web development, cloud, blockchain, game development, and operating system development. Out of all of these, I've enjoyed osdev the most because it is difficult and rewards me with a great sense of accomplishment and has allowed me to understand the finer details of everything above.