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Releases: MathiasStokholm/alkymi

Release v0.3.1

16 May 19:57
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  • Fixed documentation build now requiring a .readthedocs.yaml config file
  • Fixed a bug where the actual error message from an exception happening during execution through a Lab instance would
    be omitted
  • Fixed an issue where exceptions in recipes could cause asyncio to print warning information about the _schedule
    coroutine never being awaited
  • Fixed an issue where asyncio would warn about exceptions not having been retrieved from futures when more than one
    exception was raised during parallel execution. Alkymi will now just raise the first exception it encounters.

Release v0.3.0

23 Apr 14:02
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[0.3.0] - 2024-04-23


  • Added a new doc property to recipes that provides a documentation string for the recipe. If not provided upon
    creation of a recipe, alkymi will try to infer the documentation string by parsing the bound function's docstring
  • Added a new optional doc argument to the arg recipe that provides a documentation string for the argument


  • stderr is now streamed by default when using the utility function #42
  • When utilizing the Lab command line interface, alkymi will now omit alkymi internals from tracebacks resulting from
    exceptions raised by user code (recipes)
  • Refactored the Lab command line interface to provide rich information by making use of the new doc property on
    Recipe and arg instances
  • Changed the allowed arguments to brew X to only contain arguments that affect recipe X


  • Remove unnecessary decimal points in fancy progress output #42
  • Fixed a bug where the terminal cursor would disappear if an exception was thrown during execution
  • Fixed a bug where the terminal cursor would disappear if a Lab call to brew was terminated using ctrl-c
  • Fixed a bug where recipes returning None (no return value) would not be correctly cached on subsequent runs
  • Fixed CI pipeline integration with (test coverage)
  • Fixed CI pipeline execution on MacOS agents


  • Removed the ability to brew multiple recipes from a Lab by listing them in succession

Release v0.2.1

27 Apr 10:28
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  • Fixed a bug where execution would crash if called from a thread that had an already running event loop #39
  • Fixed a bug where execution would crash by erroneously trying to cancel an _asyncio.Task instead of only unused coroutines #38

Release v0.2.0

11 Apr 02:19
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  • Added rich as a runtime dependency
  • Added fancy progress output mode that shows a summary of the execution at the bottom of the console using Rich.
  • Added support for Python 3.11


  • Rewrote parallel execution to only run bound functions in parallel, but use asyncio for the main execution logic
  • Bumped mypy version to 1.2.0 (only used for development)
  • Bumped coverage version to 6.4.2 (only used for development)


  • Fixed a bug where a deadlock could occur when evaluating a number of ForeachRecipes with the same number of jobs
  • Fixed a bug where a certain graph configuration could prevent parallelization from happening correctly
  • Fixed a regression where all cached recipe outputs would always be loaded during execution, regardless of whether they
    were needed to produce the requested output.


  • Dropped support for Python 3.6

Release v0.1.0

07 Mar 20:58
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  • Added networkx as a runtime dependency
  • Added support for parallel execution - the brew() function now takes a jobs parameter that controls
    parallelization of the recipe evaluation.
  • Added support for parallel execution to the Lab CLI - use --jobs or -j when calling brew to run pipeline in
  • Added twine and wheel to dev-requirements.txt


  • Rewrote the internals of alkymi to create and use a networkx graph (DAG) for execution. This change will enable
    future changes, like running recipes in parallel.
  • Renamed to
  • Converted ForeachRecipe to have the same functional interface as a regular Recipe. This change enables the
    functions in to not have special handling for ForeachRecipe, which makes the code simpler and easier to
  • Coverage step brew coverage will not print which lines lack test coverage
  • The invoke and invoke_foreach functions have been moved from and into
    to allow more control over the execution flow.


  • Removed the special MappedInputsDirty status, which only applied to ForeachRecipe. If a ForeachRecipe has only
    completed a partial evaluation of its enumerable input, its status will now show InputsChanged instead.

Release v0.0.7

06 Dec 20:18
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  • Added a file_checksum_method config option that can be used to select whether to use file content hashing (default)
    or file modification timestamps for calculating the checksum of an external file represented by a Path object


  • Fixed a bug where CLI arguments containing a hyphen would not be parsed correctly when used in a Lab
  • Fixed a bug where the implementation of coverage in would break the debugger for the entire script. Now
    only the coverage steps breaks debugging (which is expected, since coverage replaces the tracing function used by the


  • Made the call() utility function print program outputs (stdout) to stdout by default - this can be controlled using
    the echo_output_to_stream argument.

Release v0.0.6

17 May 20:04
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  • Added py.typed file to signal to downstream users that alkymi has type annotations
  • Added optional dependency on xxhash to speed up hashing of large files (Path objects outside of alkymi's cache)
  • Added option to supply ingredients to a recipe by using argument names that match recipes (ala pytest's fixtures)
  • Added support for explicit naming of recipes (if not provided, the bound function name will be used)
  • Added support for providing CLI arguments to recipes through a Lab using the new register_arg() function
  • Added tests for the Lab class


  • Updated Sphinx and associated packages to fix documentation build errors
  • Updated development libraries (pytest, coverage, sphinx, mypy, flake8)
  • Made the call() utility function print error stack traces to stderr by default - this can be controlled using the
    echo_error_to_stream argument.


  • Fixed a bug where file names were not taken into account during checksumming (only file content was taken into
  • Fixed a bug where a recipe's cache path would be different when a script was invoked as a relative or absolute path
  • Fixed a bug where item validity was not being taken into account in ForeachRecipe (e.g., an invalid Path such as a
    deleted file would not cause reevaluation)
  • Fixed a bug where a ForeachRecipe wouldn't be completely reevaluated if its bound function changed
  • Fixed a bug where changing the default value of an argument to a bound function did not cause the checksum of the
    bound function to change
  • Fixed coverage to correctly include alkymi imports when executed through


  • kwargs/NamedArgs built-in recipe removed (functionality can now be mimicked using the built-in Arg)
  • Dropped support for Python 3.5

Release v0.0.5

17 Mar 20:39
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  • Added a new zip_results() built-in recipe generator to zip together outputs from multiple recipes
  • Documentation in the docs/ directory. The documentation is built using Sphinx and hosted on The documentation can be built by running python brew docs.
  • Added checksum unit tests for the Path type
  • Added unit test for caching of recipes that do not return anything (None)
  • Added allow_pickling configuration option to let the user turn off pickling for serialization, deserialization and
    checksumming and a unit test for it
  • Added test coverage using coverage and (see the coverage recipe in


  • Regular checks for cleanliness are now run even if a custom cleanliness check passes (e.g. for the glob_files()
    built-in recipe generator). This ensures that changes to external files and others are correctly caught and handled.
  • Broke Status.Dirty into several more explicit causes of dirtiness (e.g. OutputsInvalid) to make it more clear to
    the user why a given recipe has been marked dirty
  • Moved functions for checking Recipe and ForeachRecipe dirtiness to alkymi.alkymi to reduce the complexity of the
  • Moved the core logic of the Recipe.brew() function to alkymi.alkymi
  • Provide names explicitly to built-in recipe generators to avoid name clashes when a built-in recipe generator is used
    multiple times in a single module
  • Greatly simplified the serialization and deserialization logic and got rid of generators
  • Converted the built-in recipe types Args and NamedArgs to be subclasses of Recipe to avoid the clunky .recipe
  • Updated to reflect the new documentation page at
  • Replaced the usage of tuple with a new Outputs type that keeps most of the behavior, but ensures that all return
    types are valid
  • Made Recipe generic in the return type and forwarded return type information from decorators to allow brew to
    return valid type information
  • Updated built-in recipes to supply return type information to their Recipe objects
  • Use the highest available protocol when pickling for serialization and checksumming


  • Converted several captured variables inside tests to globals to avoid them interfering with hashing of the bound
  • Fixed an issue where a bound function changing between evaluations could cause the status to be reported as
    "NotEvaluated" instead of "BoundFunctionChanged". Added a test step to check this.
  • Fixed to work regardless of operating system and added a small unit test
  • Fixed caching of dictionaries output by ForeachRecipe
  • Dictionaries are now serialized using a dict with key and value entries supporting arbitrary nesting, instead of being
  • Fixed a bug where non-existent Path objects would result in the same checksum
  • Fixed a bug where recipes without return values would remain NotEvaluated even though they had been evaluated and

Release v0.0.4

05 Feb 20:18
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  • Updated with "Command Line Usage", "Upcoming Features" and "Known Issues" sections
  • Included in static type checking and linting
  • Added a unit test for the built-in file() recipe generator
  • Made cache directory configurable using AlkymiConfig and added a test for it
  • Added a new test to verify that partially executed ForeachRecipes can be reloaded from cache and continue from point
    of interruption/failure


  • "clean" and "clean-cache" commands from Lab (these will be reimplemented properly at a later point)


  • Renamed alkymi's labfile from to to fit the new "labfile" naming scheme
  • ForeachRecipe now supports saving/restoring partial evaluation states to the cache. This fixes the issue where a
    failure in one of the foreach evaluations could cause all the work to be lost
  • Recipes will now be marked dirty if their bound function has changed between invocations
  • ForeachRecipe now only serializes each output once
  • Outputs are now loaded lazily from the cache. This means that actual deserialization is deferred until an output is
    actually needed for computation.
  • alkymi's labfile now uses exit() instead of raising exceptions in order to not clutter the output of tests etc.
  • Adapted the way that external (outside alkymi's cache) files are checked for validity to see if they have changed
    between alkymi evaluations
  • Updated to reflect recently merged features


  • Fixed type annotations in alkymi's labfile (
  • Fixed reloading of recipe checksums from cache (these needed to be converted from lists to tuples due to JSON
    serialization format). This would cause some recipes to be marked dirty even though they weren't.
  • Fixed a bug where the aggregate checksum for all mapped inputs to a ForeachRecipe weren't being saved and restored
    from cache

Initial release

03 Jan 20:00
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alkymi 0.0.3 Release Notes

Initial version of alkymi open sourced and released to PyPI!