This project requires node.js v8.x.x or higher and npm 5.x.x or higher to be able to work properly.
Do the following to install the node.js
and npm
via nvm
(check for the latest nvm here):
# Install the nvm through curl.
$ curl -o- | bash
# Reload the .bashrc.
$ source ~/.bashrc
# Install the node.js v8 (or higher).
$ nvm install 8
# To start using the installed node.
$ nvm use 8
# Assumes that you are in the project root directory.
# Install the project dependencies.
$ npm install
# To run the livereload developer site.
$ npm start
# Assumes that you are in the project root directory.
# Install the project dependencies.
$ npm install
# To build the production.
$ npm run build
# Optional: To start the server
$ npm start:prod
# To run the eslint.
$ npm run lint
# To run the eslint.
$ npm run lint-fix