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Read from the real-time API on Sonnen Batterie to manage Backup Reserve use.

Readonly API, use Sonnen Batterie portal or mobile app to set Backup Reserve percent.

  • System state On Grid, Off Grid or Critical Error.
  • Real time power, current and voltage
  • Battery levels, Charge/Discharge rate, time to fully charged
  • Backup reserve, time to reserve, time to fully discharged
  • Temperature and batterie health


Install SonnenBackup integration.

Uses sonnen_api_v2 driver package which requires a readonly API Token created in the Sonnen management portal.

Configuration will require the IP address of the battery device and the API token generated by the management portal. If the battery portal uses a non-standard port, other than 80, that can be configured too. It does not support https (port 443) using a self-signed certificate.


install sonnenbackup with hacs HASS Sensor is the name used for Home Assistant from the driver package property call Package Sensor.


Package Sensor Unit HASS sensor
configuration_de_software string firmware_version
led_state string led_state
led_state_text string led_state_text
system_status string system_status
battery_activity_state string sonnenbackup_state
battery_cycle_count integer battery_cycle_count
battery_full_charge_capacity_wh Wh full_charge_capacity
status_remaining_capacity_wh Wh remaining_capacity
capacity_until_reserve Wh capacity_until_reserve
capacity_to_reserve Wh capacity_to_reserve
backup_buffer_capacity_wh Wh reserve_capacity
used_capacity Wh used_capacity
battery_unusable_capacity_wh Wh unusable_capacity
kwh_consumed kWh kwh_consumed
kwh_produced kWh kwh_produced
status_frequency hertz frequency
battery_dod_limit percent depth_of_discharge_limit
status_backup_buffer percent reserve_charge
battery_rsoc percent relative_state_of_charge
battery_usoc percent usable_state_of_charge
charging watts charge_power
discharging watts discharge_power
consumption_average watts consumption_average
consumption_total_w watts consumption_daily
production_total_w watts production_daily
consumption watts consumption_now
production watts production_now
status_grid_export watts grid_export
status_grid_import watts grid_import
inverter_pac_total watts ongrid_pac
inverter_pac_microgrid watts offgrid_pac
battery_min_cell_temp celsius min_battery_temp
battery_max_cell_temp celsius max_battery_temp
state_bms string state_bms
state_inverter string state_inverter
seconds_since_full integer seconds_since_full
seconds_until_fully_charged integer seconds_until_fully_charged
seconds_until_fully_discharged integer seconds_until_fully_discharged
seconds_until_reserve integer seconds_until_reserve
system_status_timestamp timestamp status_timestamp
fully_charged_at timestamp fully_charged_at
fully_discharged_at timestamp fully_discharged_at
backup_reserve_at timestamp backup_reserve_at
last_time_full timestamp last_time_full
last_updated timestamp last_updated
status_battery_charging bool is_charging
status_battery_discharging bool is_discharging
configuration_em_operatingmode enum operating_mode

Some sensors have enumerated values:

system_status: ["Config", "OnGrid", "OffGrid", "Critical Error"]
sonnenbackup_state: ["standby", "charging", "discharging", "discharging reserve", "charged", "discharged"]
operating_mode: {1: "Manual", 2: "Automatic", 6: "Extension module", 10: "Time of Use"}


"standby" indicates the battery is neither charging nor discharging. The battery could be fully charged, fully discharged, at reserve limit or no production available to charge. Must be read in conjuction with "relative_state_of_charge" to determine the reason for "standby".


Sensors fully charged, fully discharged & backup reserve are calculated on current consumption/production. When battery is in standby, these timestamp values are undefined, as will some when charging/discharging. Times are calculated relative to hass server time, which should match "system_status_timestamp".


Sensor indicates the state of the status LED on the side of the battery. Only one element will be True, that element, with brightness, is returned as a string. e.g 'Pulsing White 100%'

"Eclipse Led":{
    "Blinking Red":true,   # undocumented
    "Pulsing Green":true,  # Off Grid, in backup mode
    "Pulsing Orange":true, # no internet connection
    "Pulsing White":true,  # normal operation
    "Solid Red":true       # serious problem - call installer

Only one key maybe True at a time. All values False indicates Off Grid operation, the string "Off Grid." is returned.

State of Charge

The batterie reports two State of Charge values, Relative and Usable. The difference between these two values is reported by sensor depth_of_discharge_limit. Depth of Discharge reserve is included in Relative State of Charge (RSoC) overall values, like full_charge_capacity. Specific usable values are based on Usable State of Charge (USoC).

Importantly, the Backup Reserve Charge is based on USoC. eg when sensor sonnenbackup_state is 'standby' USoC equals Backup Reserve Charge, about 8 less than RSoC.


Some sensor values do not change, some only change when configuration changes, some are of little value when not current. These sensors will waste space if recorded.

Suggested recording exclusions in configuration.yaml:

# Recorder filter to exclude specified entities, change placeholder names
# your actual sensor names. eg "sonnenbackup.backupbatterie_nnnnnn_sonnenbackup_full_charge_capacity"
where 'nnnnnn' is the battery serial number entered on the config form.
      - sonnenbackup.full_charge_capacity
      - sonnenbackup.led_state
      - sonnenbackup.led_state_text
      - sonnenbackup.backup_reserve_capacity
      - sonnenbackup.status_frequency
      - sonnenbackup.backup_reserve_percent
      - sonnenbackup.state_bms
      - sonnenbackup.state_inverter
      - sonnenbackup.seconds_since_full
      - sonnenbackup.seconds_until_fully_charged
      - sonnenbackup.seconds_until_fully_discharged
      - sonnenbackup.seconds_until_reserve
      - sonnenbackup.system_status_timestamp
      - sonnenbackup.fully_charged_at
      - sonnenbackup.fully_discharged_at
      - sonnenbackup.backup_reserve_at
      - sonnenbackup.last_time_full
      - sonnenbackup.last_updated
      - sonnenbackup.time_since_full
      - sonnenbackup.operating_mode

Confirmed Supported Batteries

These batteries have been tested and confirmed to be working. If your batterie is not listed below, this library may still work provided your battery admin portal can generate an API read token and responds to Sonnen API V2 endpoints. API token will return status 401 if used with V1 of the API. Use Weltmyer sonnenbatterie package if user/password authentication is required.

  • Power unit Evo IP56


HA component to manage Sonnen Batterie backup








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