Try the Demo
A Node.js web application project from the Udemy course - The Web Developer Bootcamp by Colt Steele. It is a web application designed to add, rate and review different campgrounds, different users(read campers) can put in their comments and concerns, so that it is a well informed and well prepared camping trip for other users.
User login with username and password
One cannot manage posts and view user profile without being authenticated. One cannot edit or delete posts and comments created by other users Manage campground posts with basic functionalities.
Create, edit and delete posts and comments
Upload campground photos
Display campground location on Google Maps (working on it)
Search existing campgrounds
Manage user account with basic functionalities
Flash messages responding to users' interaction with the app
Responsive web design
Custom Enhancements (under construction)
Update campground photos when editing campgrounds
Update personal information on profile page
- ejs
- Mapbox
- Bootstrap
- express
- mongoDB
- mongoose
- passport
- passport-local
- express-session
- method-override
- Heroku
- Cloudinary
- helmet
- joi
- Install mongodb
- Create a cloudinary account to get an API key and secret code
git clone
cd yelpcamp
npm install
Create a .env file (or just export manually in the terminal) in the root of the project and add the following:
Run mongod in another terminal and node app.js in the terminal with the project.
Then go to localhost:3000.