A python based bot hosted on Azure using mongodb, initially made for the [KIND] clan in World of Tanks Blitz.
- Welcome and leave messages.
- Chat interactions.
- Role setting via reactions.
- Level system based on user chat participation.
- Displays users win-ratio for World of tanks Blitz.
- Custom server experience.
- Implement self-assigned role setting via emote reaction.
- Dynamic behavior on bot joining a new server.
- Add level system.
- Implement DataBase to save user information.
- Dynamic role reactions on a per server basis.
- Increase Query performance.
- Caching for increase command calls performance.
- Add more bot commands alongside command permissions.
- Connect to World Of Tanks API.
- Pull players information from wotb API, and display their statistics.
"From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine." -Kind-Bot