This is server side for Cloud Compiler aplication.
- To run server on your computer you need to open port of your choice in your modem device here is video which explains how to do it. Default app port is 3000 you can change it in server.js file but it's not reccomended unless necessary.
- Install git on your machine (to confirm if you have it run
git --version
in your command line). - Install node and npm (to confirm if you have it run
npm -v
in your command line).
Cloud compiler is intended to run command line compilers so this compilers should be installed on your machine. For example to run gulp compass you need the following setup:
Client side Cloud Compiler setup is described in cloudCompiler readme
- Clone this repo to your server
- Run
npm install
inside repo folder
To run server type node server.js
inside the repo.
To stop server type
ctrl + c
few times in the command line or close it.