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Automatically convert GitHub-based projects into MarkBind websites (#698
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GitHub projects commonly have wikis or docs folders for project
documentation. As MarkBind is especially optimized as a project
documentation tool, we would want to make it easier for projects to
adopt it in their workflow.

Let's add the ability to automatically convert a GitHub wiki or docs
folder into a MarkBind website.
  • Loading branch information
amad-person authored and yamgent committed Apr 12, 2019
1 parent f3144f0 commit db4ce52
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Showing 61 changed files with 10,481 additions and 6 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions docs/userGuide/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -76,10 +76,13 @@ MarkBind Command Line Interface (CLI) can be run in the following ways:
* `<root>`<br>
Root directory. Default is the current directory.<br>
{{ icon_example }} `./myWebsite`
* `-c`, `--convert`<br>
Convert an existing GitHub wiki or `docs` folder into a MarkBind website. See [Converting an existing Github project]({{ baseUrl }}/userGuide/markBindInTheProjectWorkflow.html#converting-an-existing-github-project) for more information.

{{ icon_examples }}
* `markbind init` : Initializes the site in the current working directory.
* `markbind init ./myWebsite` : Initializes the site in `./myWebsite` directory.
* `markbind init --convert` : Converts the Github wiki or `docs` folder in the current working directory into a MarkBind website.

<hr><!-- ========================================================================== -->

Expand Down
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions docs/userGuide/
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Expand Up @@ -36,5 +36,29 @@ You can keep the user docs in a separate directory (say `user-docs`) and set up
Similarly, you can keep the dev docs in a separate directory (sey `dev-docs`) and set up Netlify to deploy the site when there is an update to the `master` branch; that way, developers can see the latest version of dev-docs via the Netlify site.

#### Converting existing project documentation/wiki

MarkBind supports the automatic conversion of an existing GitHub wiki or `docs` folder containing Markdown files.

A MarkBind conversion involves the following:
- Adding a Home page: If your project already has a `` or ``, the content will be copied over to ``. Otherwise, a default home page will be added.
- Adding an About Us page: If your project already has ``, this will be used as the About page. Otherwise, a default About page will be added.
- Adding a top navigation bar.
- Adding a site navigation menu: If your project has a valid `` file, it will be used as the [site navigation menu]( Otherwise, the menu will be built from your project's directory structure and contain links to all addressable pages.
- Adding a custom footer: If your project has a valid `` file, it will be used as the website footer. Otherwise, a default footer will be added.

<box type="warning">
Conversion might not work if your project files have existing Nunjucks syntax.

To convert your existing project, follow these steps:
1. Navigate into the project directory.
1. Run `markbind init --convert` to convert the project.
1. You can now preview the website using `markbind serve` to view your newly converted MarkBind website.

<box type="info">
You only need to run the conversion once. Once you have converted your project, you can proceed to edit it as a normal MarkBind project.

{% from "njk/common.njk" import previous_next %}
{{ previous_next('deployingTheSite', 'themes') }}
21 changes: 20 additions & 1 deletion index.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@

// Entry file for Markbind project
const chokidar = require('chokidar');
const fs = require('fs-extra-promise');
const liveServer = require('live-server');
const path = require('path');
const program = require('commander');
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,15 +46,33 @@ program

.command('init [root]')
.option('-c, --convert', 'convert a GitHub wiki or docs folder to a MarkBind website')
.description('init a markbind website project')
.action((root) => {
.action((root, options) => {
const rootFolder = path.resolve(root || process.cwd());
const outputRoot = path.join(rootFolder, '_site');
if (options.convert) {
if (fs.existsSync(path.resolve(rootFolder, 'site.json'))) {
logger.error('Cannot convert an existing MarkBind website!');
.then(() => {'Initialization success.');
.then(() => {
if (options.convert) {'Converting to MarkBind website.');
new Site(rootFolder, outputRoot).convert()
.then(() => {'Conversion success.');

Expand Down
157 changes: 157 additions & 0 deletions src/Site.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,13 +18,15 @@ _.isBoolean = require('lodash/isBoolean');
_.isUndefined = require('lodash/isUndefined');
_.noop = require('lodash/noop');
_.omitBy = require('lodash/omitBy');
_.startCase = require('lodash/startCase');
_.union = require('lodash/union');
_.uniq = require('lodash/uniq');

const url = {};
url.join = path.posix.join;

const delay = require('./util/delay');
const FsUtil = require('./util/fsUtil');
const logger = require('./util/logger');
const Page = require('./Page');

Expand All @@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ const TEMP_FOLDER_NAME = '.temp';
const TEMPLATE_ROOT_FOLDER_NAME = 'template';

const BUILT_IN_PLUGIN_FOLDER_NAME = 'plugins';
const BUILT_IN_DEFAULT_PLUGIN_FOLDER_NAME = 'plugins/default';
const FAVICON_DEFAULT_PATH = 'favicon.ico';
Expand All @@ -59,6 +62,8 @@ const LAYOUT_FOLDER_PATH = '_markbind/layouts';
const LAYOUT_SCRIPTS_PATH = 'scripts.js';
const LAYOUT_SITE_FOLDER_NAME = 'layouts';
const USER_VARIABLES_PATH = '_markbind/';
const WIKI_SITE_NAV_PATH = '';
const WIKI_FOOTER_PATH = '';

function getBootswatchThemePath(theme) {
return path.join(__dirname, '..', 'node_modules', 'bootswatch', 'dist', theme, 'bootstrap.min.css');
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,6 +119,9 @@ const SITE_CONFIG_DEFAULT = {

const ABOUT_MARKDOWN_DEFAULT = '# About\n'
+ 'Welcome to your **About Us** page.\n';

const FOOTER_DEFAULT = '<footer>\n'
+ ' <div class="text-center">\n'
+ ' This is a dynamic height footer that supports markdown <md>:smile:</md>!\n'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -146,6 +154,19 @@ const SITE_NAV_DEFAULT = '<navigation>\n'
+ '* [Home :glyphicon-home:]({{baseUrl}}/index.html)\n'
+ '</navigation>\n';

const TOP_NAV_DEFAULT = '<header><navbar placement="top" type="inverse">\n'
+ ' <a slot="brand" href="{{baseUrl}}/index.html" title="Home" class="navbar-brand">'
+ '<i class="far fa-file-image"></i></a>\n'
+ ' <li><a href="{{baseUrl}}/index.html" class="nav-link">HOME</a></li>\n'
+ ' <li><a href="{{baseUrl}}/about.html" class="nav-link">ABOUT</a></li>\n'
+ ' <li slot="right">\n'
+ ' <form class="navbar-form">\n'
+ ' <searchbar :data="searchData" placeholder="Search" :on-hit="searchCallback"'
+ ' menu-align-right></searchbar>\n'
+ ' </form>\n'
+ ' </li>\n'
+ '</navbar></header>';

const LAYOUT_SCRIPTS_DEFAULT = 'MarkBind.afterSetup(() => {\n'
+ ' // Include code to be called after MarkBind setup here.\n'
+ '});\n';
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -435,6 +456,142 @@ Site.prototype.createPage = function (config) {

* Converts an existing Github wiki or docs folder to a MarkBind website.
Site.prototype.convert = function () {
return this.readSiteConfig()
.then(() => this.collectAddressablePages())
.then(() => this.addIndexPage())
.then(() => this.addAboutPage())
.then(() => this.addTopNavToDefaultLayout())
.then(() => this.addFooterToDefaultLayout())
.then(() => this.addSiteNavToDefaultLayout())
.then(() => this.addDefaultLayoutToSiteConfig())
.then(() => this.printBaseUrlMessage());

* Copies over or to default if present.
Site.prototype.addIndexPage = function () {
const indexPagePath = path.join(this.rootPath, INDEX_MARKDOWN_FILE);
const fileNames = ['', ''];
const filePath = fileNames.find(fileName => fs.existsSync(path.join(this.rootPath, fileName)));
// if none of the files exist, do nothing
if (_.isUndefined(filePath)) return Promise.resolve();
return fs.copyAsync(path.join(this.rootPath, filePath), indexPagePath)
.catch(() => Promise.reject(new Error(`Failed to copy over ${filePath}`)));

* Adds an about page to site if not present.
Site.prototype.addAboutPage = function () {
const aboutPath = path.join(this.rootPath, ABOUT_MARKDOWN_FILE);
return fs.accessAsync(aboutPath)
.catch(() => {
if (fs.existsSync(aboutPath)) {
return Promise.resolve();
return fs.outputFileAsync(aboutPath, ABOUT_MARKDOWN_DEFAULT);

* Adds top navigation menu to default layout of site.
Site.prototype.addTopNavToDefaultLayout = function () {
const siteLayoutPath = path.join(this.rootPath, LAYOUT_FOLDER_PATH);
const siteLayoutHeaderDefaultPath = path.join(siteLayoutPath, LAYOUT_DEFAULT_NAME, '');

return fs.outputFileAsync(siteLayoutHeaderDefaultPath, TOP_NAV_DEFAULT);

* Adds a footer to default layout of site.
Site.prototype.addFooterToDefaultLayout = function () {
const footerPath = path.join(this.rootPath, FOOTER_PATH);
const siteLayoutPath = path.join(this.rootPath, LAYOUT_FOLDER_PATH);
const siteLayoutFooterDefaultPath = path.join(siteLayoutPath, LAYOUT_DEFAULT_NAME, '');
const wikiFooterPath = path.join(this.rootPath, WIKI_FOOTER_PATH);

return fs.accessAsync(wikiFooterPath)
.then(() => {
const footerContent = fs.readFileSync(wikiFooterPath, 'utf8');
const wrappedFooterContent = `<footer>\n\t${footerContent}\n</footer>`;
return fs.outputFileAsync(siteLayoutFooterDefaultPath, wrappedFooterContent);
.catch(() => {
if (fs.existsSync(footerPath)) {
return fs.copyAsync(footerPath, siteLayoutFooterDefaultPath);
return Promise.resolve();

* Adds a site navigation bar to the default layout of the site.
Site.prototype.addSiteNavToDefaultLayout = function () {
const siteLayoutPath = path.join(this.rootPath, LAYOUT_FOLDER_PATH);
const siteLayoutSiteNavDefaultPath = path.join(siteLayoutPath, LAYOUT_DEFAULT_NAME, '');
const wikiSiteNavPath = path.join(this.rootPath, WIKI_SITE_NAV_PATH);

return fs.accessAsync(wikiSiteNavPath)
.then(() => {
const siteNavContent = fs.readFileSync(wikiSiteNavPath, 'utf8');
const wrappedSiteNavContent = `<navigation>\n${siteNavContent}\n</navigation>`;`Copied over the existing file to ${path.relative(
this.rootPath, siteLayoutSiteNavDefaultPath)}`
+ 'Check\n'
+ 'for information on site navigation menus.');
return fs.outputFileSync(siteLayoutSiteNavDefaultPath, wrappedSiteNavContent);
.catch(() => this.buildSiteNav(siteLayoutSiteNavDefaultPath));

* Builds a site navigation file from the directory structure of the site.
* @param siteLayoutSiteNavDefaultPath
Site.prototype.buildSiteNav = function (siteLayoutSiteNavDefaultPath) {
let siteNavContent = '';
.filter(addressablePage => !addressablePage.src.startsWith('_'))
.forEach((page) => {
const addressablePagePath = path.join(this.rootPath, page.src);
const relativePagePathWithoutExt = FsUtil.removeExtension(
path.relative(this.rootPath, addressablePagePath));
const pageName = _.startCase(FsUtil.removeExtension(path.basename(addressablePagePath)));
const pageUrl = `{{ baseUrl }}/${relativePagePathWithoutExt}.html`;
siteNavContent += `* [${pageName}](${pageUrl})\n`;
const wrappedSiteNavContent = `<navigation>\n${siteNavContent}\n</navigation>`;
return fs.outputFileAsync(siteLayoutSiteNavDefaultPath, wrappedSiteNavContent);

* Applies the default layout to all addressable pages by modifying the site config file.
Site.prototype.addDefaultLayoutToSiteConfig = function () {
const configPath = path.join(this.rootPath, SITE_CONFIG_NAME);
return fs.readJsonAsync(configPath)
.then((config) => {
const layoutObj = { glob: '**/*.+(md|mbd)', layout: LAYOUT_DEFAULT_NAME };
return fs.outputJsonAsync(configPath, config);

Site.prototype.printBaseUrlMessage = function () {'The default base URL of your site is set to /\n'
+ 'You can change the base URL of your site by editing site.json\n'
+ 'Check for more information.');
return Promise.resolve();

* Updates the paths to be traversed as addressable pages and returns a list of filepaths to be deleted
Expand Down
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions src/util/fsUtil.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,8 +24,10 @@ module.exports = {
return r.test(unknownPath);

setExtension: (normalizedFilename, ext) => path.join(
path.basename(normalizedFilename, path.extname(normalizedFilename)) + ext,
setExtension: (normalizedFilename, ext) => module.exports.removeExtension(normalizedFilename) + ext,

removeExtension: filePathWithExt => path.join(
path.basename(filePathWithExt, path.extname(filePathWithExt)),
32 changes: 31 additions & 1 deletion test/functional/test.bat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@

set sites=test_site test_site_algolia_plugin

for %%a in (%sites%) do (
for %%a in (%sites%) do (

echo Running %%a tests
Expand All @@ -17,5 +17,35 @@ for %%a in (%sites%) do (

set sites_convert=test_site_convert

for %%a in (%sites_convert%) do (

echo Running %%a tests

node ../../index.js init %%a\non_markbind_site -c

node ../../index.js build %%a\non_markbind_site

xcopy /i /q /s %%a\non_markbind_site\_site %%a\_site

node testUtil/test.js %%a

if errorlevel 1 (
echo Test %%a Failed
rmdir /s /q %%a\_site
rmdir /s /q %%a\non_markbind_site\_markbind
rmdir /s /q %%a\non_markbind_site\_site
del %%a\non_markbind_site\ %%a\non_markbind_site\ %%a\non_markbind_site\site.json
exit /b %errorlevel%

rmdir /s /q %%a\_site
rmdir /s /q %%a\non_markbind_site\_markbind
rmdir /s /q %%a\non_markbind_site\_site
del %%a\non_markbind_site\ %%a\non_markbind_site\ %%a\non_markbind_site\site.json

echo Test passed
exit /b %errorlevel%
34 changes: 33 additions & 1 deletion test/functional/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ declare -a sites=("test_site" "test_site_algolia_plugin")
for site in "${sites[@]}"
# print site name
echo "Running $site tests"

# build site
Expand All @@ -21,6 +21,38 @@ do

function cleanup_convert {
# delete generated files
rm -rf "$site_convert"/_site
rm -rf "$site_convert"/non_markbind_site/_markbind "$site_convert"/non_markbind_site/_site
rm "$site_convert"/non_markbind_site/ "$site_convert"/non_markbind_site/ "$site_convert"/non_markbind_site/site.json
trap cleanup_convert EXIT

declare -r site_convert="test_site_convert"

# print site name
echo "Running $site_convert test"

# convert site
node ../../index.js init "$site_convert"/non_markbind_site -c

# build site
node ../../index.js build "$site_convert"/non_markbind_site

# copy generated site
cp -r "$site_convert"/non_markbind_site/_site "$site_convert"

# run our test script to compare html files
node testUtil/test.js "$site_convert"

if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo "Test result: $site FAILED"
exit 1

# if there were no diffs
echo "Test result: PASSED"
exit 0

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