My name is Marius Arhaug. I am currently employeed as a Software Engineer at @Microsoft. I have a masters degree in Computer Science at NTNU. Where I majored in the field of Algorithms and High Performance Computing (HPC). While studying I am was also working as a partime software engineer
Previously I was a software developer for @Sportradar for almost 3 years. Where I was mainly working for their streaming squad where we used technologies such as Go. C/C++ and CUDA.
For the last two summers, I´ve had the opportunity to work as a software engineer @Microsoft. Where I worked on a backend team, Loki that served data to various office services. Here I used C# / .NET and learned alot about how to scale out services at an enterprise level.
- 📫 How to reach me:
- ⚡ Fun fact: I am a member of Norways junior national team in powerlifting.