A GUI Manager for Godot Engine.
Looking for a Godot 3.5 version? See godot 3.5 branch.
A manager that allows for smooth addition, removal, and modification of Control nodes.
➡️ choose the GUI scenes directory path for GuiManager in the Inspector panel
➡️ choose the GUI transition scenes directory path for GuiManager in the Inspector panel
➡️ depending on the transition type (transition in or transition out) connect the corresponding signal. Ex:
➡️ to add a GUI, call the String GuiManager.add_gui(gui_name: String, gui_z_order: int, transition_data: Dictionary) method. Ex:
var gui_1 = GuiManager.add_gui("gui_curtain", 127, {
"transition_name": "move",
"transition_out": false,
"duration": 1,
"gui_position_origin": Vector2(100, 0),
"gui_position_end": Vector2(0, 0)
➡️ to add a GUI above top one, call the String GuiManager.add_gui_above_top_one(gui_name: String, transition_data: Dictionary) method. Ex:
var gui_1 := GuiManager.add_gui_above_top_one("gui_progress", {
"transition_name": "fade",
"transition_out": false,
"duration": 1,
"gui_opacity_start": 0.0,
"gui_opacity_end": 1.0
➡️ to add a GUI under top one, call the String GuiManager.add_gui_under_top_one(gui_name: String, transition_data: Dictionary) method. Ex:
var gui_1 := GuiManager.add_gui_under_top_one("gui_progress", {
"transition_name": "fade",
"transition_out": false,
"duration": 1,
"gui_opacity_start": 0.0,
"gui_opacity_end": 1.0
➡️ to change from top one GUI to another, call the String GuiManager.change_gui_top_one(gui_name: String, transition_config: Dictionary, gui_top_transition_config: Dictionary) method. Ex:
var gui_1 := GuiManager.change_gui_top_one("gui_curtain", {
"transition_name": "move",
"transition_out": false,
"duration": 1,
"gui_position_origin": Vector2(100, 0),
"gui_position_end": Vector2(0, 0)
}, {
"transition_name": "move",
"transition_out": true,
"duration": 1,
"gui_position_origin": Vector2(0, 0),
"gui_position_end": Vector2(100, 0)
➡️ to destroy a GUI, call the String GuiManager.destroy_gui(gui_id: String, transition_data: Dictionary) method. Ex:
GuiManager.destroy_gui(move_1, {
"transition_name": "move",
"transition_out": true,
"duration": 1,
"gui_position_origin": Vector2(0, 0),
"gui_position_end": Vector2(100, 0)
➡️ to destroy all GUIs, call the String GuiManager.func destroy_all() method.