Based on Haoxuan8's version. With English and French translation. (UI in English)
DIY Shadowverse EVOLVE card in browser.
Made to use directly on github pages You can also download the project and run it locally with Wamp, Xamp, Lamp, Mamp, whatever you amp.
Code | Français | English | 日本語 | 中文 |
/act | Engagement | Engage | アクト | 横置 |
/quick | Instantané | Quick | クイック | 快速 |
/qs | I | Q | Q | 快速 |
/start | Activation | Activate | 起動 | 起动 |
/fanfare | Fanfare | Fanfare | ファンファーレ | 入场曲 |
/lastword | Dernières Volontés | Last Words | ラストワード | 谢幕曲 |
/attack | Attaque | Attack | 攻撃力 | 攻击力 |
/defense | Défense | Defense | 体力 | 体力 |
/eat | Repas | Serve | 食事 | 吃饭 |
/evo | Evolution | Evolve | 進化 | 进化 |
/cost{0-9} | Coût PP (0-9) | Cost (0-9) | コスト{0-9} | 花费{0-9} |
/costx | Coût PP 10 | Cost 10 | コスト10 | 花费10 |
/costc | Coût PP X | Cost X | コストX | 花费X |
/forest | Sylvestres | Forestcraft | エルフ | 妖精 |
/sword | Royaux | Swordcraft | ロイヤル | 皇家 |
/rune | Esotériques | Runecraft | ウィッチ | 巫师 |
/dragon | Draconiques | Dragoncraft | ドラゴン | 龙族 |
/abyss | Epouvantables | Abysscraft | ナイトメア | 梦魇 |
/haven | Ecclésiastiques | Havencraft | ビショップ | 主教 |
/neutral | Neutres | Neutral | ニュートラル | 中立 |
Identation good.
I hate Heaven. But i love Haven.
I now hold a grudge against JavaScript. Lost 3 hours cause a conditionnal branch wanted to be written with ? and : and not with if and elses and did not understood that the object assignement i put in parentheses with the condition was actually working on couple conditions through the parentheses. (yeah, it was weird)
Haoxuan8 himself for the base code. for cleaning up the 200 lines code of Haoxuan8 into a clearer 40k lines indented code.