This library handles devices and entities to enable auto-discovery of MQTT devices in Home Assistant. It works with EspMQTTClient from
HAMqttDevice(String device_name, (optional) EspMQTTClient& client);
Construct the device object. Managing or sending availability will only work if Client provided.
- device_name The name of your device. It should not contains accentuated letters.
- client The MQTT client object.
EspMQTTClient client(
void addConfig(const String &key, const String &value);
void addConfig(const String &key, const String &value);
Add a custom config key value pair that will be used when sending the config payload to MQTT. See available device config here: Device configs are common whatever entity type (sensor, switch, button, fan etc.) you are setting up.
- key name of the config option.
- value value of the config option.
device.addConfig("sw_version", "0.0.1");
device.addConfig("manufacturer", "Marc Bresson");
void manageAvailability(uint16_t keepAliveSecond);
will send an available payload every n seconds.
- keepAliveSecond number of seconds to wait before sending a new available message.
void loop() {
// wait 60 seconds between availability message.
Their documentations are available in the header file.
String getConfigPayload();
String getName();
String getIdentifier();
String getAvailabilityTopic();
EspMQTTClient* getClient();
void sendAvailable();
void setClient(EspMQTTClient& client);
HAMqttEntity(HAMqttDevice& device, String name, Component component);
Construct the entity object. Any interaction with topics or mqtt client requires device's Client to be provided.
- device The device object.
- name The entity name.
- component What component this entity is, e.g.
. Available components are:ALARM_CONTROL_PANEL
. If you don't see yours in this list, create an issue on my github
HAMqttEntity entityEnergy(device, "Grid Energy", HAMqttEntity::SENSOR);
void addCommandTopic();
Add topic where home assistant will publish commands for the entity. (see more
void addStateTopic();
Add topic where this entity will report its state to home assistant. . (see more
void addConfig(const String &key, const String &value);
Add a custom config key value pair that will be used when sending the config payload to MQTT. See available config for mqtt sensors here:
- key name of the config option.
- value value of the config option.
entityEnergy.addConfig("device_class", "energy");
entityEnergy.addConfig("state_class", "total_increasing");
entityEnergy.addConfig("unit_of_measurement", "Wh");
void getStateTopic();
get entity state topic. If relative is false, will construct the topic with the base topic prepended. Otherwise, it will prepend "~" that HA automatically interprets with the base topic.
- relative whether to include "~" or full base topic.
client.publish(entityEnergy.getStateTopic(), String(energyCount));
Their documentations are available in the header file.
String getName();
String getIdentifier();
String getBaseTopic();
String getAvailabilityTopic(bool relative = false);
String getDiscoveryTopic(bool relative = false);
String getCommandTopic(bool relative = false);
String getConfigPayload();
void sendAvailable();
void setDevice(HAMqttDevice& device);
void setName(String name);
void setComponent(Component component);
void init();
EspMQTTClient* getClient();
- Energy Meter as a sensor
- RBG Lamp as a Light