A tool written in swift to generate parallax animation during sliding a scroll view.
1.create a ParallaxManager with a scrollview
pm = ParallaxManager.init(with: scrollView, direction: .down)
2.set backgroundImage, not required
pm?.backgroundImage = UIImage.init(named: "bg2.jpg")
3.addKeyFrameAnimation, certainly you should create several pages in advance
pm?.addKeyFrameAnimation(animation: [
"wrapper" : intro,
"duration" : "100%",
"animations" : [
"view" : intro.nameLabel,
"translateY" : -140,
"opacity" : 0
] , [
"view" : intro.descLabel,
"translateY" : -110,
"opacity" : 0
Key Frame Animation is described using dictionary literal.
4.you should call generateKeyFrameAnimations() when you finish step 3.
5.in UIScrollviewDelegate method scrollViewDidScroll(_:), you should call the same method to perform animations.