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ffreyer authored Feb 18, 2025
2 parents 3770313 + f0bb495 commit b0ac315
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Showing 18 changed files with 290 additions and 121 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,10 @@
- Fixed `uv_transform = :rotr90` and `:rotl90` being swapped [#4758](
- Cleaned up surface handling in GLMakie: Surface cells are now discarded when there is a nan in x, y or z. Fixed incorrect normal if x or y is nan [#4735](
- Cleaned up `volume` plots: Added `:indexedabsorption` and `:additive` to WGLMakie, generalized `:mip` to include negative values, fixed missing conversions for rgba algorithms (`:additive`, `:absorptionrgba`), fixed missing conversion for `absorption` attribute & extended it to `:indexedabsorption` and `absorptionrgba`, added tests and improved docs. [#4726](
- Fixed integer underflow in GLMakie line indices which may have caused segmentation faults on mac [#4782](
- Added `Axis3.clip` attribute to allow turning off clipping [#4791](
- Fixed `Plane(Vec{N, T}(0), dist)` producing a `NaN` normal, which caused WGLMakie to break. (E.g. when rotating Axis3) [#4772](
- Reverted change to `poly` which disallowed 3D geometries from being plotted [#4738](

## [0.22.1] - 2025-01-17

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17 changes: 13 additions & 4 deletions GLMakie/src/GLAbstraction/GLBuffer.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,9 +11,10 @@ mutable struct GLBuffer{T} <: GPUArray{T, 1}
id = glGenBuffers()
glBindBuffer(buffertype, id)
# size of 0 can segfault it seems
buff_length = buff_length == 0 ? 1 : buff_length
glBufferData(buffertype, buff_length * sizeof(T), ptr, usage)
# size of 0 can segfault it seems, but so can a draw call to an index buffer that has garbage data.
# Therefore we let the buffer pull some garbage data in to have a GPU size > 0,
# but keep the CPU size unchanged. Draw calls are then discarded if the CPU size is 0.
glBufferData(buffertype, max(1, buff_length) * sizeof(T), ptr, usage)
glBindBuffer(buffertype, 0)

obj = new(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -105,7 +106,15 @@ function gpu_data(b::GLBuffer{T}) where T
glGetBufferSubData(b.buffertype, 0, sizeof(data), data)
bind(b, 0)
return data

# for render() debug checks
function gpu_data_no_unbind(b::GLBuffer{T}) where T
data = Vector{T}(undef, length(b))
glGetBufferSubData(b.buffertype, 0, sizeof(data), data)
return data

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62 changes: 44 additions & 18 deletions GLMakie/src/GLAbstraction/GLRender.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -96,75 +96,101 @@ function render(renderobject::RenderObject, vertexarray=renderobject.vertexarray

function vao_boundscheck(target::Integer, current::Integer, vao)
if target <= current # assuming 0-based OpenGL indices
msg = IOBuffer()
print(msg, "BoundsError: OpenGL vertex index $current exceeds the number of vertices $target.\n Occurred with ")
show(msg, MIME"text/plain"(), vao)

# multiple index ranges
Renders a vertexarray, which consists of the usual buffers plus a vector of
unitranges which defines the segments of the buffers to be rendered
render(vao::GLVertexArray[, mode = GL_TRIANGLES])
Renders a vertexarray based on its `vao.indices` type.
function render(vao::GLVertexArray{T}, mode::GLenum=GL_TRIANGLES) where T <: VecOrSignal{UnitRange{Int}}
N_vert = length(vao)
for elem in to_value(vao.indices)
# TODO: Should this exclude last(elem), i.e. shift a:b to (a-1):(b-1)
# instead of (a-1):b?
vao_boundscheck(N_vert, last(elem), vao)
glDrawArrays(mode, max(first(elem) - 1, 0), length(elem) + 1)
return nothing

# by index range to draw
function render(vao::GLVertexArray{T}, mode::GLenum=GL_TRIANGLES) where T <: TOrSignal{UnitRange{Int}}
r = to_value(vao.indices)
ndraw = length(r)
ndraw == 0 && return nothing
offset = first(r) - 1 # 1 based -> 0 based
nverts = length(vao)
if (offset < 0 || offset + ndraw > nverts)
error("Bounds error for drawrange. Offset $(offset) and length $(ndraw) aren't a valid range for vertexarray with length $(nverts)")
offset < 0 && error("Range of vertex indices must not be < 0, but is $offset")
vao_boundscheck(nverts, offset + nverts, vao)
glDrawArrays(mode, offset, ndraw)
return nothing

# by number of triangles
function render(vao::GLVertexArray{T}, mode::GLenum=GL_TRIANGLES) where T <: TOrSignal{Int}
r = to_value(vao.indices)
r == 0 && return nothing
glDrawArrays(mode, 0, r)
return nothing

Renders a vertex array which supplies an indexbuffer
# using indexbuffer (faces)
function render(vao::GLVertexArray{GLBuffer{T}}, mode::GLenum=GL_TRIANGLES) where T <: Union{Integer,AbstractFace}
# Note: not discarding draw calls with 0 indices may cause segfaults even if
# the draw call is later discarded based on on `mode`. See #4782
N = length(vao.indices) * cardinality(vao.indices)
N == 0 && return nothing
data = gpu_data_no_unbind(vao.indices)
@assert !isempty(data)
# raw() to get 0-based value from Faces, does nothing for Int
N_addressed = GeometryBasics.raw(mapreduce(maximum, max, data))
vao_boundscheck(length(vao), N_addressed, vao)
glDrawElements(mode, N, julia2glenum(T), C_NULL)
return nothing

Renders a normal vertex array only containing the usual buffers buffers.
# undefined indices, default to rendering all vertices
function render(vao::GLVertexArray, mode::GLenum=GL_TRIANGLES)
length(vao) == 0 && return nothing
glDrawArrays(mode, 0, length(vao))
return nothing

Render instanced geometry
renderinstanced(vao::GLVertexArray, instance_count[, primitive = GL_TRIANGLES])
Render `instance_count` instances of the given vertex array based on the type of
renderinstanced(vao::GLVertexArray, a, primitive=GL_TRIANGLES) = renderinstanced(vao, length(a), primitive)

Renders `amount` instances of an indexed geometry
# using index buffer
function renderinstanced(vao::GLVertexArray{GLBuffer{T}}, amount::Integer, primitive=GL_TRIANGLES) where T <: Union{Integer,AbstractFace}
N = length(vao.indices) * cardinality(vao.indices)
N * amount == 0 && return nothing
data = gpu_data_no_unbind(vao.indices)
@assert !isempty(data)
# raw() to get 0-based value from Faces, does nothing for Int
N_addressed = GeometryBasics.raw(mapreduce(maximum, max, data))
vao_boundscheck(length(vao), N_addressed, vao)
glDrawElementsInstanced(primitive, N, julia2glenum(T), C_NULL, amount)
return nothing

Renders `amount` instances of an not indexed geometry geometry
# based on number of vertices
function renderinstanced(vao::GLVertexArray, amount::Integer, primitive=GL_TRIANGLES)
length(vao) * amount == 0 && return nothing
glDrawElementsInstanced(primitive, length(vao), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, C_NULL, amount)
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27 changes: 18 additions & 9 deletions GLMakie/src/GLAbstraction/GLTypes.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -184,10 +184,16 @@ mutable struct GLVertexArray{T}

returns the length of the vertex array.
This is amount of primitives stored in the vertex array, needed for `glDrawArrays`
Returns the length of the vertex array. More specifically this returns the minimum
of the lengths of each vertex buffer, i.e. the number of addressable vertices. If
no vertex buffers are present -1 is returned.
length(vao::GLVertexArray) = length(first(vao.buffers)[2]) # all buffers have same length, so first should do!
function length(vao::GLVertexArray)
isempty(vao.buffers) && return -1
return mapreduce(length, min, values(vao.buffers))

GLVertexArray(vao::GLVertexArray) = GLVertexArray(vao.buffers, vao.program)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -283,14 +289,17 @@ function bind(va::GLVertexArray)

function, vao::GLVertexArray)
show(io, vao.program), vao::GLVertexArray) = print(io, "GLVertexArray $(")
function, ::MIME"text/plain", vao::GLVertexArray)
# show(io, vao.program)
println(io, "GLVertexArray $(")
print(io, "GLVertexArray $( buffers: ")
writemime(io, MIME("text/plain"), vao.buffers)
println(io, "\nGLVertexArray $( indices: ", vao.indices)
print(io, "buffers: ")
show(io, MIME("text/plain"), vao.buffers)
_print_indices(io, vao.indices)
_print_indices(io::IO, n::Integer) = print(io, "\nindices: ", Int64(n))
_print_indices(io::IO, is::AbstractVector{<: Integer}) = print(io, "\nindices: ", Int64.(is))
_print_indices(io::IO, fs) = print(io, "\nfaces: ", fs)


Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions GLMakie/src/GLMakie.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -93,6 +93,8 @@ WARN_ON_LOAD[] = true

function __init__()
# trigger OpenGL cleanup to avoid errors in debug mode

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150 changes: 83 additions & 67 deletions GLMakie/src/glshaders/lines.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,80 +29,96 @@ gl_color_type_annotation(::Real) = "float"
gl_color_type_annotation(::Makie.RGB) = "vec3"
gl_color_type_annotation(::Makie.RGBA) = "vec4"

function generate_indices(positions)
valid_obs = Observable(Float32[]) # why does this need to be a float?
# Observables removed and adjusted to fit Compute Pipeline
function generate_indices(ps, indices = Cuint[], valid = Float32[])
resize!(valid, length(ps))

# can't draw a line with less than 2 points so there are no indices to generate
# and valid is irrelevant
if length(ps) < 2
valid .= 0 # just in case random data is problematic
return (indices, valid)

indices_obs = const_lift(positions) do ps
valid = valid_obs[]
resize!(valid, length(ps))

indices = Cuint[]
sizehint!(indices, length(ps)+2)

# This loop identifies sections of line points A B C D E F bounded by
# the start/end of the list ps or by NaN and generates indices for them:
# if A == F (loop): E A B C D E F B 0
# if A != F (no loop): 0 A B C D E F 0
# where 0 is NaN
# It marks vertices as invalid (0) if they are NaN, valid (1) if they
# are part of a continuous line section, or as ghost edges (2) used to
# cleanly close a loop. The shader detects successive vertices with
# 1-2-0 and 0-2-1 validity to avoid drawing ghost segments (E-A from
# 0-E-A-B and F-B from E-F-B-0 which would duplicate E-F and A-B)

last_start_pos = eltype(ps)(NaN)
last_start_idx = -1

for (i, p) in enumerate(ps)
not_nan = isfinite(p)
valid[i] = not_nan

if not_nan
if last_start_idx == -1
# place nan before section of line vertices
# (or duplicate ps[1])
push!(indices, i-1)
last_start_idx = length(indices) + 1
last_start_pos = p
# add line vertex
push!(indices, i)

# case loop (loop index set, loop contains at least 3 segments, start == end)
elseif (last_start_idx != -1) && (length(indices) - last_start_idx > 2) &&
(ps[max(1, i-1)] last_start_pos)

# add ghost vertices before an after the loop to cleanly connect line
indices[last_start_idx-1] = max(1, i-2)
push!(indices, indices[last_start_idx+1], i)
# mark the ghost vertices
valid[i-2] = 2
valid[indices[last_start_idx+1]] = 2
# not in loop anymore
last_start_idx = -1

# non-looping line end
elseif (last_start_idx != -1) # effective "last index not NaN"
push!(indices, i)
last_start_idx = -1
# else: we don't need to push repeated NaNs
sizehint!(indices, length(ps) + 2)

# This loop identifies sections of line points A B C D E F bounded by
# the start/end of the list ps or by NaN and generates indices for them:
# if A == F (loop): E A B C D E F B 0
# if A != F (no loop): 0 A B C D E F 0
# where 0 is NaN
# It marks vertices as invalid (0) if they are NaN, valid (1) if they
# are part of a continuous line section, or as ghost edges (2) used to
# cleanly close a loop. The shader detects successive vertices with
# 1-2-0 and 0-2-1 validity to avoid drawing ghost segments (E-A from
# 0-E-A-B and F-B from E-F-B-0 which would duplicate E-F and A-B)

last_start_pos = eltype(ps)(NaN)
last_start_idx = -1

for (i, p) in enumerate(ps)
not_nan = isfinite(p)
valid[i] = not_nan

if not_nan
if last_start_idx == -1
# place nan before section of line vertices
# (or duplicate ps[1])
push!(indices, max(1, i-1))
last_start_idx = length(indices) + 1
last_start_pos = p
# add line vertex
push!(indices, i)

# case loop (loop index set, loop contains at least 3 segments, start == end)
elseif (last_start_idx != -1) && (length(indices) - last_start_idx > 2) &&
(ps[max(1, i-1)] last_start_pos)

# add ghost vertices before an after the loop to cleanly connect line
indices[last_start_idx-1] = max(1, i-2)
push!(indices, indices[last_start_idx+1], i)
# mark the ghost vertices
valid[i-2] = 2
valid[indices[last_start_idx+1]] = 2
# not in loop anymore
last_start_idx = -1

# non-looping line end
elseif (last_start_idx != -1) # effective "last index not NaN"
push!(indices, i)
last_start_idx = -1
# else: we don't need to push repeated NaNs

# treat ps[end+1] as NaN to correctly finish the line
if (last_start_idx != -1) && (length(indices) - last_start_idx > 2) &&
(ps[end] last_start_pos)
# treat ps[end+1] as NaN to correctly finish the line
if (last_start_idx != -1) && (length(indices) - last_start_idx > 2) &&
(ps[end] last_start_pos)

indices[last_start_idx-1] = length(ps) - 1
push!(indices, indices[last_start_idx+1])
valid[end-1] = 2
valid[indices[last_start_idx+1]] = 2
elseif last_start_idx != -1
push!(indices, length(ps))
indices[last_start_idx-1] = length(ps) - 1
push!(indices, indices[last_start_idx+1])
valid[end-1] = 2
valid[indices[last_start_idx+1]] = 2
elseif last_start_idx != -1
push!(indices, length(ps))

indices .-= Cuint(1)

return (indices, valid)

function generate_indices(positions::Observable)
valid_obs = Observable(Float32[]) # why does this need to be a float?
indices_obs = Observable(Cuint[])

on(positions, update = true) do ps
generate_indices(ps, indices_obs[], valid_obs[])
return indices .- Cuint(1)

return indices_obs, valid_obs
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