CLI was moved back to main repo, SwiftyMocky
This repo will mirror CLI code until version 5.x, unless having CLI in main project proves unusable in any of the important cenarios. So, we will make a final decision around version 5 release, until then, you can use either repo.
This is a CLI for the project SwiftyMocky.
For the documentation and guides, plese refer to the main SwiftyMocky repository or SwiftyMocky documentation.
% brew install mint
% mint install MakeAWishFoundation/SwiftyMocky
% marathon install MakeAWishFoundation/SwiftyMocky
Clone and:
% make install
- Przemysław Wośko,
- Andrzej Michnia,
SwiftyMocky-CLI is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.