Tool to automate modifing images to be fitted with google play listing requirements and other operation with images.
I have used my phone to take screenshoot for store listing to be used as graphic asset to my apps but I have faced problem with app resolution which is not comptabile with graphic asset constraints(min = 320px , max = 3840, aspectRatio= 2:1) with images so tradional solution is to resize each image (take time which can be saved ^_^ ) so i make this tool to save time.
I was working on android app that deals with about 600 pages named 0 until last but this not valid name (should not start with number) so I had to rename files manually, but with this tool you can rename all files with just one click.
- resize images of a folder and it generates new images for android listing.
- rename images with specified name.
- resize with specfic size.
- make feature graphic.
- add file chooser instead of write path.
- provide detailed message with each operation.
- open .jar file.