In this project, I built an online shop simulator App that provides e-commerce services similar to Digikala or Amazon. The App should allow users to simulate a simplified version of the online shopping experience through the command line interface. This is a solo project meant to be undertaken by each student individually. Scince the project contain FXML files, you need to download the appropriate JDK to run the code.
- appropriate JDK - for Javafx
- MySQL - for Database
- Scene builder - for Javafx
- During the development process, I faced several challenges and bugs like :
- Testing the code for bugs and ensuring it was functioning properly.
- Match javafx and methods in backend.
- One of those problems was showing the list of products on the TitledPane of products page,which,as it was not handled, made the front not progress further.
- Another problems I faced was adding and showing comments.But I handled that by creating a new table "Comments" which have two column "ID" and "Comments" . For showing comments of product X we use table "Comments" and show all columns which those "ID" is equal to X.
- Designed GUI for program using JavaFX
- Implementated commenting system for products
- Created search option to easily find products
- Used Database for saving data
- Created a history of sales and transactions for sellers