It's like Soft Gray, but with a "Dos" at the end.
Also, there's some tiny things fixed. Like radio buttons all looking selected and text alignment as well.
Wakanda creates a Theme folder during install. More info here.
Clone into your Wakanda Studio's Theme folder.
git clone softGrayDos
Or you can browse to the repo and click the "Download ZIP" link. Make sure you rename the zipped folder to softGrayDos
Open desired page in Wakanda. Select the body
element. Click on the "Design" tab in the properties pane. Select softGrayDos
from the list of available themes.
You may need to restart Studio in order for the theme to display properly in the editor.
You should also clear the cache of your browser and restart Wakanda Server.
Repeat Step Two for all applicable pages in the project.
You should star this repo so you get nifty messages when the repository is updated.
If you cloned from Github:
cd WAKANDA_HOME/Themes/softGrayDos
git pull
This will get mad if you have edited the theme at all. You can stash or revert (or pull request!) your changes then do the above command.
If you downloaded the ZIP, you will have to download it again.
Make sure that the theme files are directly inside the folder softGrayDos
!! Wakanda will not display the theme properly otherwise.