The dataset I used is this link: It’s the base of the whole bank account fraud dataset suite. This is a tabular dataset with 1 million instances and 31 features.
- First, I did data understanding, and found there’s a column “device_fraud_count” just has one value for all instances, so I drop this attribute.
- Then I checked if there are some attributes’ values are mostly missing. I found “prev_address_months_count”, “intended_balcon_amount”, so I drop these two attributes.
- Then I impute the rest attributes with missing value. Some use -1 to represent missing values. Some use negative value as missing values. When impute numerical data, I use median. When impute categorical data, I use mode.
- After imputation, I do train-test split based on attribute “month”, [0:5] as training, and [6:7] as test.
- Because of the imbalance characteristic, I applied SMOTE oversampling techniques, and made two labels have equal quantity.
- Then I did feature selection using domain and correlation.
- After that, I did 1-in-100 systematic sampling.
- After sampling, I used time-series validation.
- To do modeling, I applied three techniques: Decision Tree, Random Forest, and Logistic Regression.
- About measures, I use confusion matrix, Precision, Recall, F1-score, ROC_AUC, Matthew’s correlation coefficient to do comparison for effectiveness.
- For Efficiency, I compared each model’s execution time.
- For stability, I changed seed to 10, 500, 5000 to check the change of the metrics’ results.
All python codes are in Code folder.
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