Here's a test I created using Selenium webdriver and Java. I am using a Maven project structure with TestNG plugin to run my tests. The design pattern is Page Object Model. The scenario is driven by a data-provider framework (CSV file). Test inputs are therefore stored separately from the test. So the test cases can be executed with different data without changing the test itself.
I will be testing the website “http://automationpractice.com/index.php” following this steps to reproduce:
- Go to http://automationpractice.com/index.php
- Search for an item (taken from the CSV file)
- Select random item from all available items
- Open cart
- Assert that item quantity and total price are correct
- Proceed to checkout
- Create new account using information taken from the CSV file
- Assert in address page that all information are correct
- Accept "Terms of Services"
- Pay with bank wire method
- Assert order is complete
Here is a small documentation regarding the setup required and how to launch the tests. In order to run the test, you'll need the following setup:
- Java version 1.8.0
- jdk-11.0.6
- Chrome browser version 90
- Firefox browser version 87.0 (64-bit)
- Eclipse IDE
You will find 1 test suite XML files under "src\test\resources\TestSuites":
- ExerciseASuite.xml
To run the tests:
- Right click on one of those files
- "Run as"
- TestNG Suite
As for the report, you can find it under "automation-exercise\test-output\emailable-report.html", "automation-exercise\test-output\index.html" or finally "automation-exercise\test-output\testng-results.xml"
The screenshots (in case of test failures) will be under: "automation-exercise\test-output\screenshots"
Finally, if you wish to run the test many times automatically, I left the "@Test(invocationCount = X)" parameter available above the test method's name. Just edit this parameter to your liking.
That's it! Thanks for reading me :) Nicolas