The Singularity Autobuilder is intended to automate the building process of a collection of Singularity recipes. It is, as of jet, intended to be started in a GitLab CI/CD Pipeline.
- Singularity Autobuilder depends on the python packages:
- GitPython to determine changes of recipes contained in a local git repository.
- iso8601 to convert date-strings from a GitLab API into date objects.
- requests to make calls to the GitLab v3 API.
- typing to write python3 type hints.
It furthermore needs an installation of Singularity itself and an installation of the Singularity Registry Client.
To build images, Singularity itself needs to be installed. It runs natively on linux and there exists an official linux installation guide.
Mac OSX and Windows user need to run Singularity in a virtualized linux environment. There are official guides to setup a Vagrant box wit Singularity:
Singularity itself must be run with root privileges in order to build images, meaning that the Autobuilder needs to be run with root privileges.
For information about singularity itself visit the GitHub-repository of singularity or the official documentation of singularity.
To interact with an sregistry, the Singularity global client has to be installed and set up as Singularity Registry Client.
Singularity Global Client installation and user Guide
The client is able to work with local and external storage. The default behavior for the client is to work with local storage. For the client to enable its functionality to work with an sregistry, the environment variable SREGISTRY_CLIENT has to be set like so:
export SREGISTRY_CLIENT=registry
To authenticate the sregistry-client against an sregistry and to set the registries hostname an sregistry secrets file is needed. The secrets file is a json file containing the following:
"registry": {
"token": "authentication_token",
"username": "sregistry_user",
"base": ""
Your sregistry instance can generate this file for every user with the correct privileges. To set up a user, that is able to push images, first set up a user able to administrate the sregistry. Then follow the instructions given by the credentials guide page
The sregistry expects the credentials file at $HOME/.sregistry. The location can be changed by defining a different path in the SREGISTRY_CLIENT_SECRETS environment variable.
- For further information about the sregisty client see:
Clone latest stable version of the Repository:
git clone -b v0.1.0
Install with pip:
cd SingularityAutobuild
pip install [--user] .
The Autobuild process was designed to work in a GitLab CI/CD Pipeline. It expects several environment variables to be set. Those variables are intended to be set by creating Secret variables in the GitLab CI/CD settings.
Variables to be set are:
- GITLAB_API_STRING: The GitLAb API-v3-URL for the events of the repository containing the recipes.
- GITLAB_API_TOKEN: The authentication token for the GitLab API.
The autobuild process uses the GitLab API information to only build recipes that have changed during the latest push to the repository. The process will fail, if the variable is not set or if there is no API to call (if the recipes in general are not hosted on a GitLab instance).
If the GitLab variables are set and Singularity and the sregistry client are set up, the autobuild process can be started through its entry-point:
singularity_autobuild --path /path/to/recipe/base/folder --image_type IMAGE_TYPE
The docker image hansend/sregistry-builder:Autobuilder-0.1.0 builds upon the python:3.7-rc-stretch image and has Singularity, the sregistry client and the Autobuilder already installed. It can be used in a GitLab CI/CD pipeline. The container is also set up to build an .sregistry file to identify the sregistry client against the registry. For this to work the environment variable
- SREGISTRY_HOSTNAME: Host address of the sregistry
- SREGISTRY_USERNAME: Name of the sregistry user
- SREGISTRY_TOKEN: Authentication token of the user, found in the sregistry admin interface or in the users .sregistry file.
have to be set. The best way to set the variables is through the secret variables in the GitLab CI/CD settings.
The following is a .gitlab-ci.yml pipeline config that creates a .sregistry file in the before_script section of the build_image job.
name: hansend/sregistry-builder:Autobuilder-0.1.0
stage: deploy
# Create the .sregistry file to authenticate the user at the sregistry.
- "source /sregistry_file"
- "echo $SREGISTRY_FILE > ~/.sregistry"
- singularity_autobuild --path ./recipes --image_type simg
Test the main Builder Class and the __main__ module:
python -m unittest -v singularity_autobuild.test.test_singularity_builder
Test the module, that provides functionality to work with the GitLab repository.
python -m unittest -v singularity_autobuild.test.test_gitlab_tools
Test the module, that provides functionality to work with recipe files and created images.
python -m unittest -v singularity_autobuild.test.test_image_recipe_tools