This project allows you to query for and decrypt content from the Jamf Pro Database.
Obviously, you'll need access to your running Jamf Pro MySQL Database -- so either an on-prem instance or a copy of the database will be required.
Initial reverse engineering and code created by dmaasland, so this is obviously a fork of his project.
I have heavily customized this original work to make it more easily approachable to Jamf Pro Admins and also added a method to support filtering the database for desired information instead of (only) dumping the entire database. Additional improvements and customizations from the original project were also made.
# Create a directory to clone project into
mkdir "Jamf Pro DB Decrypt" && cd "Jamf Pro DB Decrypt"
# Clone this repository
git clone .
# Create a virtual environment
python3 -m venv .venv
# Activate the virtual environment
source .venv/bin/activate
# Install the required packages:
pip install jasypt4py mysql-connector-python pycryptodomex sshtunnel
# Or, install the specific versions used during development
# pip install -r ./requirements.txt
from jamf_pro_db_decrypt import JamfProDatabase
# Initialize an JPS DB Object
jpsdb = JamfProDatabase(use_ssh=True)
# Get the entire Cloud DP table and store it, as a dict, in a variable
cdp = jpsdb.query(table="cloud_distribution_point")
# Get the DP where ID = 3 and print to stdout in the standard MySQL CLI table format
jpsdb.query("distribution_points", record_filter = {"distribution_point_id": 3}, out_as_table=True )
# Get the computer where ID = 1234 and store it, as a dict, in a variable
jpsdb.query("computers", record_filter = {"computer_id": 12345})
# Dump all tables with encrypted fields to individual <table>.html files
# It's also possible to provide an encrypted string directly to be decrypted
decrypted_string = jpsdb.decrypt("<encrypted_string>")