PIMP - Post-launch INTEGRAL Mass Model Package
Authors: Maxime Chauvin based on code developed by Dave Willis and Dave Clark.
Geant4_SPI is a Geant4 application for the instrument response simulation of the SPectrometer on-board Integral (SPI). The whole Integral satellite is modeled but only SPI is modeled with details.
The geometry is build from ...(to be completed)
The physics list contains the following PhysicsList classes as Geant4 modular physics list with registered physics builders provided in Geant4:
// EM physics
RegisterPhysics(new G4EmLivermorePolarizedPhysics());
// Decay
RegisterPhysics(new G4DecayPhysics());
// Radioactive decay
RegisterPhysics(new G4RadioactiveDecayPhysics());
The particles are generated from ...(to be completed)
Energy deposits are scored inside the germanium detectors ...(to be completed)
The simulation ouput a fits file which provides ...(to be completed)
...(to be completed)
The visualization manager is set via the G4VisExecutive class in the main() function of PIMP.cc.
The initialisation of the drawing is done via a set of /vis/ commands in the macro mac/vis.mac. This macro is automatically read from the main function when the application is run in interactive mode.
The tracks are drawn at the end of each event, accumulated for all events and erased at the beginning of the next run.
Dependencies: cfitsio https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/software/fitsio/fitsio.html
- on linux
apt install libcfitsio-dev
- on MacOS
brew install cfitsio
You need to have the G4 environment variables set up in your terminal session. If it is not done in your .bashrc or .profile you need to do this first with your own Geant4 install path:
source /usr/share/geant4/geant4-install/bin/geant4.sh
Create a build directory, and inside it run:
cmake ../
Execute PIMP in interactive mode with visualization:
Execute PIMP in batch mode (without visualization):
./PIMP CygX1_Odeg.fits 1234 PointSource 50000000 0 0 83.63320833 22.01447222 0 1.36087 151.667 0.584414