OpenDIVE (Open Diffusion Imaging Visualization for Everyone) is a command line interface tool for generating accessible, interpretable visualizations from diffusion MRI, initiated at BrainHack Vandy 2025.
Despite the prolific availability of software tools to visualize diffusion MRI data, there is no standardized visualization to summarize longitudinal changes. Similarly, the current standard of visualizations are not accessible to people with common forms of colorblindness. We propose a software package to both standardize and improve accessibility to representations of diffusion data.
Aim 1: We propose a colorblind-friendly colormap for diffusion MRI images.
Aim 2: We generate a standardized display for anatomical images to overlay the diffusion models based on user input, including support for multiple track files, color maps, and illustration of bundle summary metrics (p-value, volume, effect size, etc.) per bundle.
For FAQs related to diffusion MRI, see our diffusion FAQ discussion.
You can install the package using Python:
pip install git+
After installing the package, you should be able to use the nifti2png
command to produce images. To view your visualizations, use the --interactive
flag. Please see the wiki for documentation on using the command.
We welcome issues and pull requests! For details on contributing, please see