Apk parser lib, for decoding binary XML files, getting APK meta info.
- Retrieve APK meta info, such as title, icon, package name, version, etc.
- Parse and convert binary XML files to text
- Get classes from DEX files
- Get APK singer info
Get apk-parser use source code integration.
The ordinary way is using the ApkFile class, which contains convenient methods to get AndroidManifest.xml, APK info, etc. The ApkFile need to be closed when no longer used. There is also a ByteArrayApkFile class for reading APK files from byte array.
ApkMeta contains name(label), packageName, version, SDK, used features, etc.
val apkFile = ApkFile(filePath)
val apkMeta = apkFile.apkMeta
"label:${apkMeta?.name} packageName:${apkMeta?.packageName} versionCode:${apkMeta?.versionCode}"
val usesFeatures = apkMeta?.usesFeatures
if (usesFeatures != null) {
for (index in 0 until usesFeatures.size) {
val featureName = usesFeatures[index].name
Log.d("featureName", "name:$featureName")
val apkFile = ApkFile(filePath)
val manifestXml = apkFile.manifestXml
val transBinaryXml = apkFile.transBinaryXml("res/layout/acticity_main.xml")
Log.d("getXml", "manifestXml:${manifestXml} transBinaryXml:$transBinaryXml")
val apkFile = ApkFile(filePath)
val dexClasses = apkFile.getDexClasses()
dexClasses?.let {
for (index in dexClasses.indices) {
val dexClass = dexClasses[index]
val dexHeader = dexClass?.dexHeader
Log.d("getDex", "dexClass:$dexClass dexHeader:$dexHeader")
Get the APK signer certificate info and other messages, using:
val apkFile = ApkFile(filePath)
// apk v1 signers
val apkSingers = apkFile.apkSingers
// apk v2 signers
val apkV2Singers = apkFile.apkV2Singers
An APK may have different info (title, icon, etc.) for different regions and languages——or we can call it a "locale".
If a locale is not set, the default "en_US" locale (Locale.US
) is used. You can set a preferred locale by:
val apkFile = ApkFile(filePath)
apkFile.preferredLocale = Locale.SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE
val apkMeta = apkFile.apkMeta
"label:${apkMeta?.name} packageName:${apkMeta?.packageName} versionCode:${apkMeta?.versionCode}"
apk-parser will find the best matching languages for the locale you specified.
If locale is set to null, ApkFile will not translate the resource tag, and instead just give the resource ID. For example, the title will be something like '@string/app_name' instead of the real name.
If this parser has any problem with a specific APK, open a new issue, with a link to download the APK file thanks.
Apk parser is based on hsiafan's apk-parser
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