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Becnchamrking the NextGen Framework

This repository contains configurations, templates, and some code used for running initial benchmarks of four different NextGen Formulations.

Getting Started

We will assume a valid ngen build exists, see build for details on the model engine and formulation builds used for this effort.

Activate the ngen venv, with the vairous python dependencies noted in the build notes.

source <path_to_ngen_venv>/bin/activate

Data sources

All required data for the benchmarking can currently be found on the s3://ngen-bm bucket. These can also be extracted from an archive for use, provided the relevant inputs described below are available.

Key inputs are


This directory contains NextGen Hydrofabric v2.1.1 geopackage domains for each of the benchmark locations.


@snowhydrology TODO


The forcing data used to run the models, must contain at least the calibration and validation time periods. This work used AORC data with a simple weighted average downsampling to each hydrofabric divide. The netcdf ngen supported format was used.


The unit attribute for APCP_surface is intentionally wrong, and is set to mm/hr to allow the model engine to do unit conversions of the precip on behalf of models which assume the mass flux is equivalent to mm/hr.

Generate additaional basin attributes

The GIUH (Geomorphological Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph) and Nash Cascade Surface parameters are obtained using an R-based workflow here. These parameters can be computed using the following steps:

  • Clone git clone
  • Setup workflow_dir, output_dir, gpkg_model_params in the configureation file here
  • from terminal run python <path_to_basin_workflow_repo>/basin_workflow/ -gpkg

Note 1 The workflow requires installation of hydrofabric and other required packages. The script has been designed to configure most of the required packages, however, if a package is missing the user should install it manually.

Note 2 The script can be run directly from RStudio too.

Generate ngen bmi configuration files

The script can generate init_config configuration files for the 4 NextGen benchmark formulations. Configuration files are written to a gzipped tar archive with the name all_configs.tar.gz in the parent directory of The archive file has a directory structure that looks as follows:

└── hf_v211_01105000
    ├── CFE_NASH_S_cat-9459.ini
    ├── CFE_NASH_X_cat-9459.ini
    ├── LgarTmp_cat-9459.ini
    ├── NoahOWP_cat-9459.namelist
    ├── Topmodel_cat-9459.dat
    ├── params_cat-9459.dat
    └── subcat_cat-9459.dat

The archive has a single root directory, config, and subdirectories for each gage in the exercise. Each subdirectory contains init_config configuration files for each aforementioned bmi module.

Configuration file fields are populated from either default values, hydrofabric model-attributes, or hydrofabric divides information. These mappings are captured programmatically in the ./config_generation/*_init python modules.

The data requirements of are: - basin scale hydrofabrics; expected to be located in ./config_generation/hydrofabrics/ and follow the naming convention hf_v211_01105000.gpkg. - exercise scale hydrofabric model-attributes information; expected to be located at./config_generation/model-attributes_benchmark_2_1_1.parquet - NOM and LASAM static parameter tables; expected to be located in ./config_generation/static

Use realization and configuration templates

This reposotiry contains realization, ngen-cal, and t-route templates which are used to produce the calibration results.

Realization Templates

Copy the formulation realization template to calibrate, e.g.

realizations/nom_cfe_nash_s.json to your working directory, and modify the following template strings

  • CONFIG_DIR : the directory which bmi configuration files are stored.
  • HYDROFAB_INPUT : the hydrofabric geopackage name prefix, e.g. hf_211_<location>


These realizations assumes BMI libs are located in /lib Forcing data is under /home/ec2-user/local_data/forcing/1979_to_2024/ and Routing configuration files are under /home/ec2-user/

Each of these paths may need adjusted in each realization based on your environment and setup.

Configuration Templates

Next you need to pick the ngen-cal configuration template based on the formulation to run and copy it to your working directory, e.g.


In this template file, you will need to modify the following template strings

  • WORKDIR_INPUT : The name of a working directory to hold the calibration results in, this MUST be an absolute path!
  • NGEN_INPUT : Absolute path to the ngen model engine binary
  • REALIZATION_INPUT : Path to the realization setup in the previous step
  • GPKG_INPUT: Hydrofabric geopackage (needs to be the same location configured in the realization step)
  • EVAL_FEAT_INPUT: The hydrofabric identifier of the waterbody coinciding with the downstream gage where evaluation will occur, e.g. wb-012345. Note this information is in the basin_info data for the benchmarking excercise.

Routing Configuration

Finally, copy both templates/routing_template.yaml and templates/routing_validation_template.yaml to your working directory and edit the following template string in each file

  • GPKG_INPUT : The hydrofabric geopackage input for the location

Run the calibration experiment

With all the files created in the current working dir and their template strings updated accordingly, simply run ngen-cal

python -m <config.yaml>

where <config.yaml> is the ngen-cal config created from the formulation template, e.g. cfe_nash_s_template.yaml


The plugins directory of this repository MUST be in the same working directory where ngen-cal is launched from!


NextGen Benchmark Setup and Documentation







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