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Tim Lynch

Former Army Officer and Spring-Angular Developer

Welcome to my GitHub page!

About Me

I retired from the Army in June 2019 where I was a strategic plans and policy officer. I'm working towards transitioning to an entry level developer role. Since leaving the Army, I have explored Python, Java and C++. I'm most comfortable with Java and Spring tied to Angular. On the frontend, I'm familiar with HTML, CSS and javascript. I'm also familiar with Maven, but not Gradle. I'm starting to explore Spring micro services and looking forward to getting into D3 and GIS charting. I am a lifelong learner and curious about most things. Really interested in international relations, history (particularly military history), and science (astronomy mostly but also interested in physics and chemistry). Live in Reston, Virginia with my wife, son and labradoodle.


Each project respresents an opportunity for me to explore some topic of interest; expand the depth and breadth of my understaning of some useful or interesting technologies; and demonstrate at least a basic level of understanding of software development fundamentals.

Project Task Manager

Description: Basic web application that allows a user to manage projects/tasks built with Spring, Angular and MySQL. This was my first effort to integrate frontend, backend, and database components into a functioning application. I wasn't concerned with security, logging or data validation at this point.

Link to Frontend Repo: Here

Link to Backend Repo: Here

Policy Discussion Board

Description: This is a more complete single-page application that allows a user to review and comment on national security issues. It is also built with Spring, Angular and MySQL and includes basic authentication security, logging or client-side data validation.

Link to Repo with ReadMe: Here

ExoPlanet Data Explorer

Description: [Still working on this] Web application that allows users to view data fed by a CSV file from the NASA Exoplanet Data Archive(Roughly 4000 planets that have been identified outside of our solar system). It is built with Spring, Angular, PostgreSQL, and some D3.js.

Link to Repo with ReadMe: Here

Book Order Microservice App

Description: [Still working on this] Web application that allows users to view a mock bookstore catalog and order books. It is built with Spring and Angular and employs multiple databases (MySQL/PostgreSQL/H2/Derby) some implementing Flyway. The App uses a Eureka server for service discovery and a Zuul Gateway to manage access. It also employs RabbitMQ messaging to alert an order acknowledgement service that an order has been received. The Main service (the catalog service) consumes three services to produce the catalog - a store inventory service, a book service that provides book details, and a mock review service that provides book reviews.

Link to Repo with ReadMe: Here

What's Next

I'm working to expand my understanding and use of containers, spring reactive, AWS, unit/integration testing, the use of Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and NoSQL Databases, and using tools like Gradle, GitHub Actions and CircleCI.





GitHub Portfolio Page for Tim Lynch






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