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Unofficial Build 220702 for 0.4.1620

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@LussacZheng LussacZheng released this 02 Jul 07:09
· 21 commits to master since this release

You-Get Unofficial Build Executable for Windows


You-Get is originally distributed under the MIT license.


This might be the last executable built on Python 3.7.X. [1], [2], [3]

Building information of you-get.exe :

Arch Building Environment SHA-256
win64 Python 3.7.9
Poetry 1.1.13
PyInstaller 5.1
Windows 10 (64-bit)
win32 Python 3.7.6
Poetry 1.1.13
PyInstaller 5.1
Windows 7 (32-bit)

Trojan might be reported by your anti-virus. But I can guarantee it is a false positive.
There is nothing I can do. If you don't trust it, bundle and build the executable by yourself. See pyinstaller#4852 for details.


If something goes wrong when using the latest released executable, feel free to start a new discussion or submit an issue. If you don't have a GitHub account, leave a message in this page. You'd better attach the debug info. Get the detailed error report by adding the --debug option:

you-get --debug

For SSL related issues, try to use -k option:

you-get -k --debug

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