This python package converts sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
LIDAR data to nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
2D map data based on intensity and / or height
cd ~/ament_python_ws/src
git clone
colcon build
Don't forget to source ~/ament_python_ws/install/setup.bash
. Note: colcon build
is recommended
- Few dependencies (ROS2) ROS2 installation
- Simple as possible
- Fast
Tested in ROS2 Humble, other distributions may work but not guaranteed
Issue the following commands to play sample data, and start the algorithm with visualization.
In a new terminal run the
launch file:
ros2 launch pointcloud_to_grid
In a new terminal go to your bag folder (e.g. ~/Downloads
cd ~/Downloads
Play rosbag:
ros2 bag play -l ~/Downloads/your-bag-folder-name
Start the visualization in a new terminal :
Select the Add
button located in the topic menu on the left. From the topic type options, choose Map
and once it appears in the topic menu select either the intensity or height based occupancy grid.
- - This is a C++ library with ROS interface to manage two-dimensional grid maps with multiple data layers.
- - A similar solution but instead PointCloud2 it uses PointCloud
Credit goes to horverno, mesmatyi, and szepilot on github for designing the algorithm this package uses, as well as creating a ROS implementation this package was based on.