This is the latest ymmersion exercice, this challenge consists of creating a console connect 4 in Go.
$ go run .
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | X | | | | |
| | | O | X | | | |
| | X | X | O | O | | |
| O | X | O | X | O | | |
Player X's turn. Choose column (0-7):
- Check for wins after each move: The game should verify if there are four connected pieces in any direction—vertical, horizontal, or diagonal.
- Continue the game until a player wins or all spaces are filled, resulting in a draw.
- Comment your code to explain the implementation of game mechanics and logic decisions. Be careful to put relevant comments!
- Structure your code to handle game state management, user input, and display output cleanly and efficiently.
- Include error handling for invalid inputs such as entering non-numeric values, choosing columns that are out of bounds, or selecting columns that are already full.
- Enhance the game by adding colors to the discs (X and O).
- Allow the players to play multiple rounds without restarting the program.
- Improve the terminal UI to make it more user-friendly, e.g., by clearing the screen before displaying the board.
├── grid
│ ├── gridCreator.go
│ ├── gridPrinter.go
│ ├── isGridFull.go
│ └── winChecker.go
├── players
│ ├── nextPlayer.go
│ ├── pieceInsert.go
│ └── playAgain.go
├── main.go
├── technical_structure_and_logic.txt
As explained in technical_structure_and_logic
my playing grid is represented by a bi-dimensional array :
I also use aurora package to print elements with color in the console.
Gameplay | Full column error | Bad input error |