- English words to Chinese meanings.
- Including different parts of speech, meanings and forms.
- Batch translating.
- Based on dict.youdao.com.
- 英语生词自动翻译机
- 多种词性、意思和不同形式
- 批量翻译
- 基于有道词典(dict.youdao.com)
- urllib
- lxml
- Enter vocab in file: vocab.txt. Single word (or phrase) in one line.
- Run translator.py and wait.
- Result will be shown in: result.txt.
- To translate new words, clear vocab.txt and enter new ones.
- 在文件:vocab.txt 里输入生词。 每行限一个词或短语。
- 运行 translator.py 并等待。
- 结果显示在文件: result.txt 里。
- 如果要翻译新的词语,请清空 vocab.txt 再输入新的词语。
- If entering words that do not exist, its meaning will be empty.
- 如果输入不存在的词,该词的解释将为空。