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Create Ruutu + lataaja 0.2.4.vbs
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vlc.exe issue fixed in this version, also creating NFO for the file, if filename is empty, fetch program name from playlist.
  • Loading branch information
Lovsan authored May 21, 2018
1 parent a140859 commit 0941f37
Showing 1 changed file with 254 additions and 0 deletions.
254 changes: 254 additions & 0 deletions Ruutu + lataaja 0.2.4.vbs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
' Ruutu + lataaja. made by lovsan
' version 0.2.4
' TODO get mediainfo of downloaded file and write an NFO.
' TODO Also get more data from the xml file and also store that data to the NFO [Work in progress]- finally manageded to read some data from xml, took a while to figure!
' TODO - add VLC support, so just open the video in vlc instead downloading it. - done!!!
' TODO - proper NFO file

dim gatlingurl, xmlid, fullurl, xmltag, xmltag2, colNodes, xmlCol2, description, info, mediaInfoPath, appVersion, github_url, vlcPath, vlcDir, vlcExe, strPath, vlcV, WshShell, fso
appVersion = "0.2.4"
github_url = ""
MsgBox "Tervetuloa Ruutu+ Lataajaan. Kopioi numerosarja linkin lopusta, minka haluat ladata.", ,"Ruutu+ Lataaja"

xmlid=inputbox("Ruutu+ ID.", "Ruutu + lataaja", 3223089 )
gatlingurl = "" & xmlid
' - example 3223089
fullurl = gatlingurl
xmltag = "CastMediaFile"

' folder = "downloads" TODO
' ffmpegPath "" TODO
'mediaInfoPath = "C:\Program Files\Mediainfo\Mediainfo.exe"

If xmlid = "" then wscript.Quit 1' if no ID typed, quit program
set xmlDoc = WScript.createobject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
xmlDoc.async = "false"
xmlDoc.load (fullurl)

Set xmlCol = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName(xmltag)
For Each Elem In xmlCol
sFilePath = Elem.firstChild.nodeValue

If xmlDoc.parseError <> 0 Then
'WScript.Echo xmlDoc.parseError.reason
WScript.Echo "Invalid xml ID - Exiting Program.", ,"Ruutu+ Lataaja"
WScript.Quit 1
End If
'lets Parse some more XML data
'Function GetData()
' get show description
Dim nodeBook 'As IXMLDOMElement
Dim nodeId, nodeID2 'As IXMLDOMAttribute
' Dim sIdValue "" 'As String

If (xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0) Then
Dim myErr
Set myErr = xmlDoc.parseError
MsgBox ("You have error " & myErr.reason)
Set nodeBook = xmlDoc.selectSingleNode("//Program")
Set nodeId = nodeBook.getAttributeNode("description")
Set nodeId2 = nodeBook.getAttributeNode("program_name")
'sIdValue = nodeId.xml

'comment out next 2 lines if you dont want to see the popups
'wscript.Echo nodeId2.value ' Display Show name and Episode
'wscript.Echo nodeId.value ' Display show description Once XML is loaded.

description = nodeId.value
program_name = nodeId2.value
'End Function
End If
'Continue Program
' Check if DRM active, if active then close app.
if sFilePath = Empty then
wscript.Echo "This video cant be downloaded or streamed - DRM active"
wscript.Quit 1
end if

dim vlcd
vlcd=inputbox(" type > stream = Open with vlc player_type" & vbcrlf & " type > download = Download the file" & vbcrlf & " type > encode = Encode the file" & vbcrlf & " and Cancel to Quit.", "Ruutu+ Lataaja", "download")
If vlcd = "" then wscript.echo "Closing program. Plz come again!" 'wscript.Quit 1' if no ID typed, quit program
If vlcd = "stream" then wscript.Echo ("Starting stream with VLC Player")
if vlcd = "encode" then wscript.Echo ("Starting to encode the playlist.")

'create log
' TODO - save nfo in utf8, supporting nordic chars.
Function createLog()
Dim fso, outFile, nfoFile, fullurl, xItem, program, dldate, ruutuURL
Dim resolution, acodec, abitrate, dltime
nfoExt = ".nfo"
if sTempFilePath = Empty then sTempFilePath = program_name
nfoFile = oFolder & sTempFilePath & nfoExt
nfoPath = oFolder & nfoFile
ruutuURL = "" &xmlid
dldate = date()
dltime = time()

resolution = "1080x720"
vcodec = "x264"
acodec = "aac"
abitrate = "128 Kb/s"
bitrate = "avg 2-3Mb/s"

'if sTempFilePath Empty then nfoFile = xmlid & nfoExt
'nfoFile=inputbox("Press no to cancel Nfo Creation", "Ruutu+ Lataaja","nfo name")& nfoExt
'if nfoFile is Empty then nfoFile = day() & nfoExt
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set outFile = fso.CreateTextFile(nfoFile, True)

' TODO - Figure how to get the show description and program name out of the xmlfile grrrr!!!!
' TODO - add some mediainfo into the .nfo
'how to do empty lines otherways?
outFile.WriteLine("Description: ") & description
outFile.WriteLine("Program name: ") & program_name
outFile.WriteLine("File Name: ") & sTempFilePath & filext
outFile.WriteLine("----- Mediainfo -----")
outFile.WriteLine("Resolution : ") & resolution
outFile.WriteLine("VideoCodec : ") & vcodec
outFile.WriteLine("Bitrate: ") & bitrate
outFile.WriteLine("Audio Codec: ") & acodec
outFile.WriteLine("Audio Bitrate: ") & abitrate
outFile.WriteLine("---- End MediaInfo -----")
outfile.WriteLine("watch the show @ ") & ruutuURL
outFile.WriteLine("file downloaded at ") & dldate
outFile.WriteLine("Downloaded with Ruutu+ Lataaja")
outFile.WriteLine("version 0.2.4")
'wscript.Echo "Nfo File Created " & nfoFile
End Function

'Choose download folder
Function BrowseForFolder()
Dim oFolder
Set oFolder = CreateObject("Shell.Application").BrowseForFolder(0,"Select a Folder",0,0)' "/"
If (oFolder Is Nothing) Then
BrowseForFolder = Empty
BrowseForFolder = oFolder.Self.Path
End If
End Function
'WScript.Echo BrowseForFolder' oFolder.Self.Path '& "/"

Function checkVLC()
dim folder, foldername
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

foldername = "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\"
filename = "vlc.exe"
'wscript.Echo foldername
If fso.FileExists(fso.BuildPath(foldername, filename)) Then
WScript.Echo filename & " exists."
else wscript.Echo "Vlc not found."
' show downloadlink for VLC and quit program. Or open vlc download page in IE.
End If
End Function

Select Case vlcd

Case "download" 'Download the file using ffmpeg
Dim oFSO, oShell, sCommand, filext, folderPath,day
Dim xmlCol,sFilePath, sTempFilePath, vlc, filename
filext = ".mkv" ' you can use .ts .mp4 or .mkv
sTempFilePath=inputbox("Choose filename.", "Ruutu + lataaja")
oFolder = BrowseForFolder() & "\"
if sTempFilePath = Empty then sTempFilePath = program_name
FilePath = oFolder & sTempFilePath & filext
WScript.Echo "Saving To file ->" & FilePath

sCommand = "ffmpeg -y -i """ + sFilePath + """ -c:v copy -c:a copy """ + FilePath + """"
if FilePath = "" then wscript.Quit 1
Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
oShell.Run sCommand, 1, True
wscript.Echo "file download complete - " & vbcrlf & "" & FilePath' , "Ruutu + Lataaja"
' End "download"
'msgbox "file download complete - " & FilePath , "Ruutu+ Lataaja" ', 1

' Play on finish - doesnt work yet.
Function playFileonFinish()
Dim StartVLC, PlayFile
set vlc = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set StartVLC = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strPath = PlayFile.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%ProgramFiles(x86)%")
vlcV = strPath & "\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe"
'if FilePath is Set then

'startVLC = "vlc.exe " + FilePath + "" + fileExt + """"
StartVLC = Chr(34) & vlcV & Chr(34) & FilePath
'Wscript.Echo PlayFile
'Set PlayFile = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
PlayFile.Run StartVLC, 1, True
'End if
'wscript.Echo "cant play file" then wscript.Quit 1
End Function

'Stream file with vlc player
case "stream"
dim vlcCommand

checkVLC() ' run this code only on first Run of the script. create calc to see if app has been ran before.
set vlc = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strPath = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%ProgramFiles(x86)%")
vlcV = strPath & "\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe"
'vlcCommand = vbQuote & vlcV & vbQuote & sFilePath
'vlcCommand = "vlc.exe """ + sFilePath + """" ' ONLY working way sofar.
vlcCommand = Chr(34) & vlcV & Chr(34) & sFilePath ' finally works @ 21.5
wscript.Echo vlcCommand
vlc.Run vlcCommand, 1, True
'end case stream

Case "encode"
Dim codec, bitrate, crf, encode, filext2, encodeFilePath, encodeFilePath2
filext2 = ".mkv" ' you can use .ts .mp4 or .mkv
'encodeCommand = "ffmpeg -y -i """ + sFilePath + """ -c:v """ + codec + """ -c:a copy """ + FilePath + """"
encodeFilePath=inputbox("Choose filename.", "Ruutu + lataaja")
oFolder = BrowseForFolder() & "\"
if encodeFilePath = Empty then encodeFilePath = program_name
encodeFilePath2 = oFolder & encodeFilePath & filext2
msgbox "To encode the stream, select the codec and bitrates", ,"Ruutu+ Lataaja"

codec=inputbox("choose libx264, libx265 or libxvid" & vbcrlf & " (libx264 is set as default) ALSO - Caution!" & vbcrlf & " Do not use libx255 (HEVC on slow machines)", ,"libx264")
'wscript.Echo "Current coded is " & codec
'audiocode=inputbox("select aac, mp3 or ac3",,"ac3") ' aac,mp4,ac3
'audiobitrate=inputbox("128kbit/s is selected as default", , "128") ' 128, 256
bitrate=inputbox(" choose bitrate between 500-3000 kbit/s, default is 1000 kbit/s." & vbcrlf & " 2000-3000 is avg when doing 720p." & vbcrlf & " Suggested bitrate for Hevc(libx265) is 500-1500." & vbcrlf & " Leave this empty to select CRF or press cancel","Ruutu+ Lataaja" ,"1000")
'msgbox "Current bitrate is set to: " & bitrate
if bitrate = Empty then crf=inputbox("choose crf value here, default is 18", ,"18")
'command to use if crf has been selected
encodeCommand2 = "bin/ffmpeg -y -i """ + sFilePath + """ -c:v """ + codec + """ -crf """ + crf + """ -c:a copy """ + encodeFilePath2 + """"
Set encode = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
'command to use if bitrate has been selected
encodeCommand = "bin\ffmpeg -y -i """ + sFilePath + """ -c:v """ + codec + """ -bitrate """ + bitrate + """ -c:a copy """ + encodeFilePath2 + """" ' still broken somehow? or encoding is not possible?
'wscript.Echo encodeCommand

if crf = Empty then
encode.Run encodeCommand, 1, True
encode.Run encodeCommand2, 1,True
End if
End Select

'createLog() 'comment this line this disable creation of NFO file.
'wscript.Echo "Thank you for using Ruutu+ lataaja!"
' show some info of the media after ffmpeg has finished? with ffmpeg or mediainfo? TODO - version 0.3

set WriteNFO = Nothing
Set oShell = Nothing
Set vlc = Nothing
Set oFSO = Nothing
Set xmlCol = Nothing
Set xmlDoc = Nothing
'checkVersion() todo 0.2.5-0.3
'MsgBox "download new version from" & vbcrlf & "" & github_url

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