This guide shows you how to build and control a Raspberry Pi-powered robot with a Nintendo Wiimote.
As well as a Raspberry Pi with an SD card loaded with Raspbian, you'll also need:
- Robot chassis - Rover 5. This includes 2 motors and a battery pack.
- Motor controller, such as the Ryanteck motor controller
- Input device - Nintendo Wiimote
- Bluetooth dongle to talk to the Wiimote
- USB rechargeable battery to power the Raspberry Pi like this one from the PiHut
- Software packages to use Bluetooth
- Python libraries for the Wiimote
Instructions on installing this software is given in the worksheet.
Follow the steps in the worksheet.
Unless otherwise specified, everything in this repository is covered by the following licence:
Robo Butler by the Raspberry Pi Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.
Based on a work at