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TOML Python

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- Keep all ssh connection next to you

And don't distract on password prompts


usage: ssh_m [-h] [-n] [-R] [-C]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -n          Proceed new SSH connection to storage Executed by default if storage is empty.
  -R          Acts same as $SSH_M_R Prevents renaming TMUX window on SSH connection.
  -C          Acts same as $SSH_M_C Prevents closing of TMUX after SSH is disconnected.
Since 0.2.0 ssh_manager works both on Windows and *NIX, thanks to InquirerPy

1. Environment

  • python3 - is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented, open-source programming language.
  • ssh - OpenSSH-compatible client

Password connections:
  • sshpass - Non-interactive ssh password authentication
  • Define user-specific environment variable
    • Unix-like:
      myserver_root=$(cat ~/SuperSecretPasswordForRoot)
    • Windows:
      $env:myserver_root=$(cat ~/SuperSecretPasswordForRoot)

SSH-key connections:
  • IdentityFile - Private key for remote machine, could be placed anywhere

2. Install dependencies

(Optional, required for password-based SSH connections)

Using APT:

sudo apt install sshpass


brew install sshpass

Other *NIX:

1. Download .tar.gz source code

2. Extract archive and enter directory: tar -xf sshpass*.tar.gz && rm sshpass*.tar.gz && cd sshpass*

3. Run as following:

sudo make install
Or installation without sudo-access setting the --prefix

Windows (experimental):

1. Download sshpass-win32

2. [Optional] Check your PATH environment variable

  • [Win + R] -> SystemPropertiesAdvanced.exe
  • Environment variables -> Path -> Edit

3. Drop sshpass.exe to one of present folder in Path

Verify everything is installed properly

  • sshpass -V (Check, that sshpass is installed and operable)

  • echo $myserver_root
    # Here goes the password

3. ssh_manager Installation

As simple as:

pip install

4. Usage

  • Remote selection:
    • Simply run ssh_m
      > ssh_m
      ssh_manager v0.x.y:
      Select SSH user:
  • Add new remote
    • ssh_m -n
    • Or press "n" key at ssh_m menu
    ssh_manager v0.x.y:
     Remote user: root
     ? Select connection type: Env
     Environment variable prefix: mygoogle
    Example configuration for new server, with environment variable for it $mygoogle_root
  • Additional controls
    • [n] key - Create new entry in list while in menu
    • [d] key - Delete hovered entry
    • [q] or [Ctrl-C] or [Ctrl-D] - Close ssh_manager


The default storage is JSON file type, that placing in home location:


Remember, the storage contains NO any sensitive information. It just a mapping for environment variable names and paths to key files.

Also, as mentioned before ssh_manager aims to rename TMUX active window and close pane at session disconnect. There's a few options how to configure that behavior:

Launch arguments

@ ssh_m -R - [R]ename - will prevent ssh_manager renaming active TMUX window

  • Is alternative to $SSH_M_R environment variable.

@ ssh_m -C - [C]lose - will prevent ssh_manager closing pane after SSH terminated

  • Is alternative to $SSH_M_C.

Important notes

  • Keep in mind that for password-based logins environment variable $servernickname_user is REQUIRED, otherwise use key-based entry

  • You can specify any port for SSH using : delimeter after hostname, or specify explicitly -p flag

  • ssh_manager by default is checking whether running inside TMUX, and applies those actions to it

    • Renaming current window to active ssh session
    • Termination shell on ssh disconnect