See demos in: Github: Godot Asset Lib:
✔️ Inventory with Slots.
✔️ Separate UI inventory logic.
✔️ Inventory Handler - which manages inventories.
✔️ First Person demo with chests.
✔️ Fully commented core and UI code.
✔️ Item as Extendable Resource.
✔️ Demonstrations of dropped items and item pickup.
✔️ Static and dynamic inventory options.
✔️ Multiplayer compatible (Including example).
✔️ Hotbar.
✔️ Craft System.
✔️ Item Editor.
✔️ Categories. (expressobits#5)
✔️ Specialized slot category inventory. (expressobits#40)
✔️ Autocrafts. (expressobits#34)
🔨 Unconventional inventory. expressobits#32
📅 Inventory with grids like RE4. (expressobits#35)
See in Wiki
👤 Rafael Correa
- Twitter: @ScriptsEngineer
- Github: @scriptsengineer
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
To suggest or discuss some project structure, feel free here discussions page
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All assets (GUI, Models and textures) from
This project is MIT licensed.