The Project Requirements for this are apply CRUD actions through code to Instagram. The end goal is to be able to do anything instagram allows from in app to desktop / browser. Developer beware, this is using an undocumented private API.
Github Issues:
Github Pages:
Make sure you have git installed. For mac users here is a helpful link installing git with the xcode command line tools:
Git can be installed by running:
xcode-select --install
After you have git installed, make sure to configure it. Instructions can be found here: Git Setup.
It is recommended to install node using nvm.
cd ~
curl -o- | bash
Add the following lines to your .bash_profile / .profile:
export NVM_DIR="/Users/<username>/.nvm" # Replace <username> with your user
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm
After modifying your .bash_profile / .bashrc make sure you source it:
source ~/.bash_profile
Install node version v6.9.1 or later:
nvm install v6.9.1
Npm version 3.10.8 or later is required.
npm i npm@3.10.8 -g
After you have nvm/node installed properly run the following commands for the version you want:
nvm alias default v6.9.1 # if you don't want to alias default: nvm use v5.6.0
To run the tests:
Rename the credentials-example.json to credentials.json and and update it with new information. Update the integration test to use either a url or local file.
npm test
npm unit-test
npm integration-test
Also short aliases:
git clone
cd node-desktop-instagram && npm install
Debugging can be done with Chrome Canary and Node 6 or node-inspector or webstorm.
Any new contributions should be accompanied by tests, pass npm test, and abide to code quality standards before being merged into development.
Make a branch off of master, name it descriptively. For example master-feature-name. On your branch make sure to git pull --rebase origin master
often to keep it up to date. After you make your commits make a pull request into master. After your pull request is reviewed merge it in. Note anyone who makes a pr to this project will be added as an owner.