Collectr is a project that aims to collect and asynchronously process your links, to sum them up.
It's a django based project, and nvie/rq is used to process everything asynchronously.
For now it supports links from:
- Twitter using the streaming API
- IRC using a script in your IRSSI client
- and a bookmarklet
The project requires a lots of dependancies:
- Django in version 1.5
- Logbook in version 0.3
- PyYAML in version 3.10
- South in version 0.7.5
- certifi in version 0.0.8
- chardet in version 1.0.1
- python-social-auth in version 0.2.19
- httplib2 in version 0.7.4
- lxml in version 2.3.4
- nltk in version 2.0.1
- oauth2 in version 1.5.211
- oauthlib in version 0.1.3
- redis in version 2.4.13
- requests in version 0.13.1
- rq in version 0.3.0
- rsa in version 3.1.1
- times in version 0.4
- tweepy in version 1.9
- webarticle2text
- tastypie in version 0.9.12
- praw in version 2.1.0
As it is a django project, you need to edit your collectr/ to add your database credentials. You should probably add your own TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY and your TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET informations.
Oh, and your own SECRET_KEY too o/
This project requires a lot of asynchronous process to run. I usually have 6 process:
- The uwsgi proceess
- The ./ twitter_collector
- The ./ reddit_collector
- The rqworker rss_collector which periodically check for new rss
- The rqworker link_indexing -v which unqueue link from redis
- The rqscheduler which schedule new rss fetch
If you're looking for a RSS reader, take a look at _Feedhq: