A library to generate encrypted URLs for Thumbor in your iOS app.
- Encrypts and signs Thumbor URLs
- Sets image manipulation options
- Resize
- Crop
- Filters
- Scale
- Flipping
- Detection
- Trim
- Performs quickly
- Add
pod ThumborURL
to your Podfile. pod install
import ThumborURL
(Swift) or@import ThumborURL;
- Add
as a submodule of your project. - Add
as a subproject of your Xcode project. - Make the
library a dependency of your target. - Link the
library to your target. #import <thumborurl/ThumborURL.h>
let imageURL = URL(string: "twitter.com/foo.png")!
let baseURL = URL(string: "http://images.example.com")!
let securityKey = "omg152"
let options = TUOptions()
options.crop = CGRect(x: 10, y: 10, width: 10, height: 10)
options.smart = true
options.targetSize = CGSize(width: 10, height: 10)
options.fitIn = .normal
options.vflip = true
options.filters = [
TUFilter(name: "watermark", argumentsArray: ["blah.png", "10", "20", "30"]),
TUFilter(name: "watermark", argumentsArray: ["baz.png", "4", "8", "5"])
let thumborImageURL = NSURL.tu_secureURL(with: options, imageURL: imageURL, baseURL: baseURL, securityKey: securityKey)
// thumborImageURL = "http://images.example.com/9sG5VMXh7HoCgPlNH8AZx42y4fc=/10x10:20x20/fit-in/10x-10/smart/filters:watermark(blah.png,10,20,30):watermark(baz.png,4,8,5)/twitter.com/foo.png"
TUOptions *opts = [[TUOptions alloc] init];
NSURL *imageURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"twitter.com/foo.png"];
NSURL *baseURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://images.example.com"];
NSString *key = @"omg152";
opts.crop = CGRectMake(20, 20, 20, 20);
opts.smart = YES;
opts.targetSize = CGSizeMake(10, 10);
opts.fitIn = TUFitInNormal;
opts.vflip = YES;
opts.filters = @[[TUFilter filterWithName:@"watermark" arguments:@"blah.png", @"10", @"20", @"30", nil],
[TUFilter filterWithName:@"watermark" arguments:@"baz.png", @"4", @"8", @"15", nil]];
NSURL *thumborImageURL = [NSURL TU_secureURLWithOptions:opts imageURL:imageURL baseURL:baseURL securityKey:key];
// thumborImageURL is http://images.example.com/9sG5VMXh7HoCgPlNH8AZx42y4fc=/10x10:20x20/fit-in/10x-10/smart/filters:watermark(blah.png,10,20,30):watermark(baz.png,4,8,5)/twitter.com/foo.png