Module for get metrics measurements Internet speed to mode cli (no use dependencies) and output to PSObject format or log file. Data collection resource: (dev Ookla).
- Using native API method (via COM Object InternetExplorer) for web function start
- Using REST API GET method (via Invoke-RestMethod) for parsing JSON report
✔️ Works in PSVersion 5.1
❌ IE to PowerShell 7.3 not supported
Use the NuGet package manager:
Install-Module Ookla-SpeedTest -Repository NuGet
💡 You must have a NuGet repository registered:
Get-PackageProvider # check that the nuget packet provider is installed
Find-PackageProvider # display all available package managers
Install-PackageProvider nuget # install the nuget package manager
Set-PackageSource nuget -Trusted # allow packages to be installed from the specified source
Find-Package Ookla-SpeedTest # search for packages by name in all managers
Install-Module Ookla-SpeedTest -Scope CurrentUser # install the module for the current user
For install or update module from the GitHub repository (used the script Deploy-Invoke-SpeedTest.ps1) use the command in the PowerShell console:
Invoke-Expression(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("")
PS C:\Users\Lifailon> $ookla = Invoke-SpeedTest -LogWrite
date : 08.05.2023 11:36:10
id : 14708271987
connection_icon : wireless
download : 33418
upload : 35442
latency : 15
distance : 50
country_code : RU
server_id : 2707
server_name : Bryansk
sponsor_name : DOM.RU
sponsor_url :
connection_mode : multi
isp_name : Resource Link
isp_rating : 4.0
test_rank : 63
test_grade : B-
test_rating : 4
idle_latency : 17
download_latency : 116
upload_latency : 75
additional_servers : {@{server_id=8191; server_name=Bryansk;}, @{server_id=46278; server_
name=Fokino; sponsor_name=Fokks - Promyshlennaya avtomatika Ltd.}, @{server_id=18218; server_name=
Bryansk; sponsor_name=RIA-link Ltd.}}
path : result/14708271987
hasSecondary : True
PS C:\Users\Lifailon> $ookla.additional_servers
server_id server_name sponsor_name
--------- ----------- ------------
8191 Bryansk
46278 Fokino Fokks - Promyshlennaya avtomatika Ltd.
18218 Bryansk RIA-link Ltd.
Result to UI:
PS C:\Users\Lifailon> Invoke-SpeedTest -LogRead | ft
Date Time Download Upload Ping
---- ---- -------- ------ ----
05/08/2023 02:10:32 36.293 Mbit 34.832 Mbit 16 ms
05/08/2023 02:39:18 34.623 Mbit 34.623 Mbit 18 ms
05/08/2023 02:49:01 33.530 Mbit 35.573 Mbit 16 ms
05/08/2023 10:50:50 32.638 Mbit 37.382 Mbit 15 ms
05/08/2023 11:20:33 37.402 Mbit 39.780 Mbit 16 ms
05/08/2023 11:21:34 36.034 Mbit 35.835 Mbit 16 ms
05/08/2023 11:33:04 32.101 Mbit 32.742 Mbit 18 ms
05/08/2023 11:36:10 33.418 Mbit 35.442 Mbit 17 ms
Download script: SpeedTestTo-InfluxDB.ps1 (change the IP-address and database name for InfluxDB)
Download NSSM
Copy files to folder: C:\NSSM\
$powershell_Path = (Get-Command powershell).Source
$NSSM_Path = "C:\NSSM\NSSM-2.24.exe"
$Script_Path = "C:\NSSM\SpeedTestTo-InfluxDB.ps1"
$Service_Name = "SpeedTestTo-InfluxDB"
& $NSSM_Path install $Service_Name $powershell_Path -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile -f $Script_Path
Get-Service $Service_Name | Start-Service
Get-Service $Service_Name | Set-Service -StartupType Automatic
Get-Service $Service_Name | select Status,Name,StartType
Status Name StartType
------ ---- ---------
Running SpeedTestTo-InfluxDB Automatic
SELECT * FROM "speedtest" WHERE time > now() - 40m
SELECT download,upload FROM speedtest
09.07.2023: Added script create service for dashboard Grafana from the InfluxDB
19.07.2023: Debug for process stoppage (added block finally) and disable check certificate to IE settings