This is hamush - I figured that learning earling is a big task so a not trivial program would be nice as a project. Hamush was born, a mush server that is supposed to offer high stability and fault tollerance - yay for Erlang/OTP ;) Other then that I just want to toy around. To be frank I've little hope anyone will ever use this really then again if someone does let me know.
- Lisp like programming.
- @repl for playing around.
- Functions can be defined in erlang or directly entered in the server.
- Objects and attributes are persistant over restart.
- Execution of code is tied to the objects and happens in paralell.
- Objects can 'crash' without harming the Server, they are just restarted.
- Commands are defined in Erlang and can be loaded during runtime without reboot.
- Minimal build in commands as of yet (more to come).
- Improve LISP interpreter.
- Add channel communication.
- Add many important commands.
- Add capability of in game command coding.
- Tons of other things.