Arduino-compatible library for battery management system based on Texas Instruments bq769x0 IC (bq76920, bq76930, and bq76940).
This library offers most features for a simple BMS (including automatic fault handling and balancing). See also BMS48V hardware files.
#include <bq769x0.h> // Library for Texas Instruments bq76920 battery management IC
#define BMS_ALERT_PIN 2 // attached to interrupt INT0
#define BMS_BOOT_PIN 7 // connected to TS1 input
#define BMS_I2C_ADDRESS 0x18
bq769x0 BMS(bq76920, BMS_I2C_ADDRESS); // battery management system object
void setup()
int err = BMS.begin(BMS_ALERT_PIN, BMS_BOOT_PIN);
BMS.setTemperatureLimits(-20, 45, 0, 45);
BMS.setShortCircuitProtection(14000, 200); // delay in us
BMS.setOvercurrentChargeProtection(8000, 200); // delay in ms
BMS.setOvercurrentDischargeProtection(8000, 320); // delay in ms
BMS.setCellUndervoltageProtection(2600, 2); // delay in s
BMS.setCellOvervoltageProtection(3650, 2); // delay in s
BMS.setBalancingThresholds(0, 3300, 20); // minIdleTime_min, minCellV_mV, maxVoltageDiff_mV
void loop()
BMS.update(); // should be called at least every 250 ms
- Now supports CRC (thanks to mikethezipper)
- Automatically finds bq769x0 address and CRC
- Tested on bq76940
- Proper SOC estimation and coloumb counter implementation
- Testing for ICs with more than 5 cells
- Software protection for charge overcurrent